Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1405: overthinking

Ruan Yingzi returned to HK in advance. Before she left, she kindly invited Zhu Zi to play in HK, and she also took the Disney cup to confuse Tiantian, but the little girl refused. Although she really wanted to play Disney, Tiantian knew that her brother did not like Yingzi. elder sister.

She wouldn't force her brother to like a sister he didn't like.

But Ruan Yingzi had no choice but to return in disappointment, but this girl has a great advantage, that is, she has a strong resistance to attack. Even if Zhu Zi has never given her a good face, this girl still has a crush on Zhu Zi.

The kind that Feijun doesn't marry!

Ye Qingqing, however, was not optimistic about it, and did not want to match the pair.

Zhu Zi is good looking, but not suitable for Ruan Yingzi.

This guy belongs to non-human beings, while Ruan Yingzi is a normal person. The races do not belong to the same category. How can they be together?

The result of being reluctant to get together can only be a tragedy.

But Ye Qingqing didn't bother to remind her. Anyway, Ruan Yingzi has a big heart, and it doesn't matter if she fights a few more times.

The school is on vacation, and New Year's Eve is still half a month away. I went to Hk for a turn, and came back just in time for the New Year's Eve.

After all the formalities were done, Lu Mo brought Xia Lin and Ye Qingqing out. The three-man trip made Ye Qingqing very unhappy, and she didn't give Xia Lin a good face along the way.

And what made Ye Qingqing angry the most was that the air ticket that Xia Lin booked for her was not with Lu Mo. Instead, Xia Lin herself was in a row with Lu Mo. This insidious woman didn't give her the ticket until she got on the plane. bad.

Ye Qingqing glanced at Xia Lin, who was smugly proud, and sneered to herself. She was very proud, right? I'll let you know what kind of thing you are in a while!

This time it's a big plane. Lu Mo and Xia Lin are in the middle seat, and hers is in the tail of the plane. There is a distance of 108,000 miles. It wasn't intentional that she and the woman surnamed Xia!

Lu Mo didn't know about this. Since he said that he didn't need to report trivial matters to him, Charlene really didn't look for him anymore. She was in charge of the whole process. Lu Mo is affectionate.

No matter how smart and rational a woman is, if she is jealous, she will become unreasonable, and her IQ is not yet online.

When Xia Lin saw Ye Qingqing's silence, she was even more proud. Lu was always a workaholic, and his career was more important than a woman's. Maybe she was already a little tired of Ye Qingqing's vase!

Lu Mo's silence gave Charlene a lot of confidence and she was proud.

Ye Qingqing also noticed that Charlene's outfit this time was very different from last time. Although she was still wearing a suit and shirt, she changed a lot in some small details.

Last time it was an iron-gray suit, but now it's sky blue, with a pink silk scarf tied around her neck, her hair still up, but she wore soft pearl earrings, and her makeup was a bit thicker, especially the light of Yaozhi. The blue eye shadow made her a lot more charming.

Smart and capable yet charming.

As long as men are not blind, they can feel Charlene's good intentions, but unfortunately... Although Lu Mo is not blind, he is very stupid in this respect.

When Lu Mo found a seat, Charlene looked happy and was about to sit down, but the goose——

"Secretary Xia, go and sit in the back!"

Lu Mo's words made Charlene look at him in disbelief.

Ye Qingqing hid behind Lu Mo and made a face at her, a woman who is over-thinking her strength. Is she able to hook up with Lu Mo?



Recommend the new book of the city **** Lao Shi:

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