Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1448: rosy drunk

The fourth junior brother was frightened and in pain, and he didn't dare to hide it at all. Miao Tianxiong's expression turned cold and he shouted, "Wei Yugang?"

Recently, Madam has only fought hotly with this little white face. Could it be that this little white face is a shy person?

"Yes... I got drunk on Wei Yugang, as long as I have sex, I will be poisoned." The fourth junior brother confessed honestly.

Ye Xunmei gasped and jumped downstairs, "What are the symptoms of being drunk?"

Ye Qingqing followed.

"She has a beautiful face and strong energy, like a young girl in twenty-eight, but it can only last for seven, seven, forty-nine days..." Fourth Junior Brother Qi Ai said, his eyes dodging.

"What will happen in forty-nine days?" Miao Tianxiang raised the knife.

Li Wuming hurriedly replied, "If there is no antidote, the poisoned person will turn white hair overnight, look like an old woman, and the beauty will not be there."

Although his poisoning skills are not good, he is still clear about several poisons that Yin Yu became famous for. Hongyan drunkenness is one of them. Although it will not cause death, for a woman, the death of her beauty is more terrifying than death.

Especially Miao Tianxiang, who sees beauty as life.

Yinyu's trick is so vicious, in order to maintain her beauty, Miao Tianxiang had to obey Yinyu and use it for him.

"Where's the antidote?" Miao Tianxiong asked anxiously.

Fourth Junior Brother shook his head, "No... there is no antidote, it's with Master."

Ye Qingqing frowned. Miao Tianxiang and Wei Yugang had been dating for a while, and it was impossible to just sleep under the quilt. It seemed that Miao Tianxiang had already been tricked.

"Hurry up and check Aunt Xiang's body." Ye Qingqing reminded.

Miao Tianxiong's expression was solemn. The news of Madam's poisoning must not be leaked, otherwise Madam's opponents would definitely take advantage of the opportunity, and countless people were waiting to see Madam's jokes.

"What poison did you give him?" Miao Tianxiong pointed at Ye Xunmei and asked.

The fourth junior brother begged for mercy, "I'll take out the antidote and let me go?"

"Take it out and talk about it!" Miao Tianxiong said in a tone that could not be rejected. Fourth Junior Brother looked happy, thinking she agreed and took out the antidote.

Ye Qingqing took it, smelled the smell, not sure, and handed the antidote to Li Wuming, "Look at it."

Li Wuming just glanced at him, then nodded and said, "This guy is most afraid of death, so he definitely won't dare to lie."

The fourth junior brother glared at Li Wuming angrily. When he returned, he would definitely report to the master to clean up the division and throw the traitor into the Wandu Cave.

Ye Xunmei hesitated for a while, then took the antidote. Ye Qingqing measured his pulse for him. The previously messy pulse subsided, and it really was the antidote. She nodded slightly to Miao Tianxiong.

"I've explained everything, let me go, I'll go back and ask Master to take out the antidote for Hongyanzui..." Fourth Junior Brother wanted to use the antidote for Hongyanzui as bait.

Li Wuming pierced: "Don't believe him, the old ghost Yin has long coveted Miao Tianxiang's wealth, how could he give up."

His identity has been exposed, Fourth Junior Brother will never go back alive, he must die!

"Li Wuming, you have to die, Master will not let you go!" Fourth Junior Brother cursed in anger.

Miao Tianxiong raised his knife and cut off the fourth junior brother's tongue. The noisy voice suddenly stopped. The fourth junior brother's face was covered in blood.

The smell of blood in the room was strong, Ye Qingqing felt disgusted and covered her nose, wondering how Miao Tianxiong would deal with Fourth Junior Brother.

Miao Tianxiong didn't stop his hand, three strokes, five divisions, two, four junior brothers' eyes and noses were all gouged out, no one was a ghost or a ghost, everyone was shocked by her ruthlessness, only Lu Mo's expression was calm. A hand also covered Ye Qingqing's eyes.

"Old Ghost Yin's phone number." Miao Tianxiong asked desperately.

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