Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1451: death is coming

Ye Xunmei followed them back to Miao's house, Miao Tianxiong called ahead of time, the dance was over, the servant was cleaning the hall, Miao Tianxiang was a little surprised to see Ye Xunmei, and Wei Yugang beside her looked unnatural.

Ye Qingqing looked at him. He didn't look closely before, but now he found that there was a hint of blue between the brows of this guy, which was a symptom of poisoning.

"Go to the study and talk!"

Miao Tianxiang led the group to her luxurious study. Wei Yugang stood at the door consciously and didn't want to go in at all. He was not interested in Miao Tianxiang's secrets at all. The more he knew, the faster he died.

He was in his prime, and he earned so much money, why didn't he think about courting death.

"You also come in." Miao Tianxiong said coldly.

Wei Yugang shuddered and did not dare to resist. He obediently went in, and did not dare to sit. He stood against the corner of the wall, not daring to let out the air.

Miao Tianxiong told all about the poisoning of the fourth junior brother, and did not hide it at all. Miao Tianxiang's expression was very calm, "How many more days?"

"Twenty days at most."

"There's plenty of time."

Miao Tianxiang smiled and looked at Wei Yugang, who had an earthy face. His sharp eyes made his legs weak, and he involuntarily slid down. Thinking that he had been poisoned inexplicably, tears flowed down.

"I really don't know what's going on, will I die... Madam, please save me... I don't want to die..."

Wei Yugang slumped on the ground and cried unrestrainedly. A month ago, he was still celebrating the breakthrough of his bank balance of six zeros. He was also going to sell the precious gift from the rich woman, put together the money to buy a good house, and put the old man in the countryside. Parents take in the city to enjoy the blessings, but also do their filial piety.

But now...

He still doesn't know how many days he can live?

Wei Yugang was screaming, her nose and tears covered her face, she had no image to speak of, Miao Tianxiang frowned in disgust, she would have **** with such a coward, what a shame!

"Cry again and cut your tongue!"

Miao Tianxiong shouted, Wei Yugang immediately shut up, sobbing and choking, just like his little daughter-in-law, but he didn't dare to hum.

"Qingqing, show him." Miao Tianxiang said.

Ye Qingqing had been waiting, and walked over to measure Wei Yugang's pulse. The pulse was chaotic, and his complexion was cyan, and the poisoning time was not short. Li Wuming said: "If you are hit by a drunk man, there will be a red line on the back of the waist. "

Miao Tianxiong tore off Wei Yugang's clothes, and there was a thin red line at the waist. It was hard to detect if you didn't look carefully. Li Wuming pointed at the red line and said, "As long as it spreads here, it will be death."

The position he pointed was less than a finger away from the red line. Wei Yugang couldn't see his back, so he was even more anxious, crying and asking, "I have a few more days, can you tell me the exact number?"

At any rate, he would have a few days to prepare. He had to tell his old parents the password of his bank account, and then he sold all the valuables and exchanged them for cash to keep for his parents. This amount of money would be enough for the old parents to eat and drink spicy food for the rest of their lives.

As for the incense of the Wei family, Wei Yugang is not worried. Both brothers have given birth to big fat boys, and the incense is very prosperous. He doesn't seem to have any regrets when he thinks about it like this, but... he really doesn't want to die!

He was only twenty-eight years old, and when he was young and strong, it would be a great loss if he died.

"Help me, I don't want to die... woo woo... I haven't been filial to my parents..." Wei Yugang begged for pity and wept, hugging Miao Tianxiang's thigh, not letting go of death.

Miao Tianxiang kicked the guy away in disgust, and instructed Miao Tianxiong, "Find a way to catch the two apprentices of Yinyu and the big one!"

: . :

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