Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1453: The line between genius and idiot

Li Wu's fate is not bad. When Miao Tianxiang was writing the word Yan just now, his unreliable bloodline came back, and he sensed the magnetic field on Miao Tianxiang's body. She appeared in front of her with white hair, but her complexion was very good. With a smile on his face, there is a man by his side.

It means that Miao Tianxiang was just a false alarm, and she was accompanied by a true lover, so she was auspicious!

This is the power of Li Wuming's bloodline. It was the same when he tested Ruan Yingzi's characters before. He vaguely saw a tall man with a strong physique, walking hand in hand with Ruan Yingzi. As for the others from the East, It's all made up by him.

Li Wuming couldn't see the man's appearance, but he looked familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.

That's why, as long as Li Wuming's bloodline is aura, he will fool around with a few nonsense words. Anyway, the result is good.

Miao Tianxiang was still convinced of the abilities of the Li family. Seeing Li Wuming's promise, she breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't want to die at all, and she didn't want to become a white-haired old woman.

"Let's act at the same time, Tianxiong will go catch that surnamed Hua, and Qingqing will contact your expert friend." Miao Tianxiang quickly made a decision.

Ye Qingqing looked at Wei Yugang, who was sitting on the ground in a depressed mood. She couldn't help but think of a possibility and asked, "Aunt Xiang, how did you and this guy meet?"

Miao Tianxiang looked at her suspiciously, and Ye Qingqing explained: "I suspect that Wei Yugang and you know each other is the conspiracy of the old ghost."

"It's very possible, hurry up and say it!"

Miao Tianxiong kicked again, the coldness on his body made Wei Yugang shiver, he didn't dare to hide a word.

"A young master surnamed Ye found me and said that as long as I could spend the night with my wife, he would give me 10,000 yuan."

Ye Xunmei's complexion changed greatly, and she shouted, "What does that Young Master Ye look like?"

Wei Yugang roughly described Fan, "The most notable thing is that he has a black mole on his left eyebrow, right here."

He stretched out his hand to compare, Ye Xunmei felt cold when she saw it, her face was gray, it turned out to be Ye Yuanzhe, but he was really his good grandson!

The grief in Ye Yuanzhe's tragic death suddenly dissipated, Ye Xunmei looked at Miao Tianxiang guiltily, "I'm sorry, I'm the one who caused you."

Miao Tianxiang sneered, "It has nothing to do with you, besides Ye Yuanzhe has already been punished."

Ye Xunmei's face turned pale, she sighed, her expression slumped, it was indeed retribution!

Lu Mo analyzed: "Ye Yuanzhe and Yu Wenfeng have always been in touch. This time, it should be Yu Wenfeng who found Ye Yuanzhe before attacking Mrs. Miao."

Otherwise, Ye Yuanzhe couldn't have offended Miao Tianxiang, and he didn't have the guts. It must have been Yin Yu who promised Ye Yuanzhe that he took the risk.

However, Ye Yuanzhe was already dead, and the grievances and grievances also dissipated with his death, so there was no need to investigate further.

Miao Tianxiang sneered and said to Miao Tianxiong, "By the way, teach Yu Wenfeng a lesson."


Miao Tianxiong took the order to leave, Ye Qingqing and Lu Mo also left, Li Wuming hesitated, not sure whether to leave or stay, Miao Tianxiong walked in again, grabbed him and said, "Follow me. Catch your little brother!"


Li Wuming frowned. One hundred people didn't want to follow the tigress. He would rather dance with the tigress.

Miao Tianxiang and Ye Xunmei were relatively speechless. After a long while, they each sighed. Ye Xunmei took the initiative to bid farewell. He was not in the mood right now and just wanted to be alone and quietly.

After a night passed, the half-dead fourth junior brother finally turned into Yin Yu's hands, looking at the blood-stained package in front of him, Yin Yu's face was very ugly.

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