Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1467: It's hard to ride a tiger

"Miss Ye, please." The father and son had a happy look on their faces.

Ye Qingqing took out the pill she prepared, let Zhuang Zifeng eat one, winked at Wuchen, Wuchen nodded slightly, and sat down opposite Zhuang Zifeng, accompanied by Ye Tong and Tiantian. A child together will not arouse suspicion.

Sure enough, Zhuang Shicheng's father and son's attention was all on Ye Qingqing. They never thought that the child Wuchen would be the key to detoxification.

Wuchen was wearing a large padded jacket with her hands tucked into her sleeves, so that outsiders couldn't see her. Her hands were constantly knotted, her lips moved slightly, and when she said something, Zhuang Zifeng quickly responded.

Her face was distorted, her body was trembling, her forehead was sweating, and she let out a moan. Ye Qingqing secretly rejoiced, it seemed that the worm in her body was activated, so there should be no problem with the solution.

"The worm in the second son's body is stimulated, so don't worry." Ye Qingqing comforted the anxious Zhuang Shicheng.

I have pity on the hearts of parents all over the world, whether they are rich or poor, they have the same heart for their children, except for some excellent ones.

Zhuang Shicheng was a little relieved and looked nervously at his son who was in more and more pain. At this time, Zhuang Zifeng was sweating profusely, and his face was distorted and distorted. Blood even leaked from the nostrils and the corners of his mouth, which looked very scary.

Although Ye Qingqing was calm on the surface, she was very scared in her heart. It was the first time she took out the cup. She knew what would happen, but don't kill the richest man's son.

Wuchen's situation at this time was not very good. She and Cupworm were deadlocked. Before, she listened to her words, but she probably realized that she was not the master, so she raised her tail and didn't move, which cost her a lot of energy.

Ye Qingqing fed her some spiritual spring water, and Wuchen felt better, and continued to fight against the worms, but the problem now is that Zhuang Zifeng may not be able to hold on anymore.

The current situation is that Zhuang Zifeng, the unfortunate host, was in a fight with Wuchen and the immortal cup insect, and he must fight quickly.

"How to do?"

Ye Qingqing moved closer to Zhu Zi and asked in a low voice.

Zhu Zi was not angry, "Cold salad!"

He has never solved the cup before, so how could he know what to do? This stupid woman is so daring, she dares to solve the cup without understanding it, and she is not afraid of killing people.

"Once the worm is activated, it must be removed, otherwise the host will die!" Zhu Zi kindly reminded.

Zhuang Zifeng is now in a difficult position to ride a tiger, either life or death, but he looks at it, the possibility of death is more likely!

Ye Qingqing's face turned pale, her lips trembling, "You...why didn't you say it earlier?"

"You didn't ask!" Zhu Zi replied with a blank expression.

Ye Qingqing was speechless, wishing to strangle this **** to death!

What should we do now?

If she really kills the richest man's precious son, will she be able to save her life?

The richest man only has two sons!

Ye Qingqing was so anxious that she couldn't show it on her face. She had to maintain the demeanor of a master. She smiled and smiled at Zhuang Shicheng from time to time, indicating that everything was under her control and there was no need to panic.

"What's wrong?" Lu Mo saw that something was wrong with her.

Ye Qingqing told the matter, and tears almost came out, "What should I do..."

Lu Mo frowned and looked at Zhuang Shicheng vaguely. Fortunately, he was now focusing on his son and didn't notice Ye Qingqing's abnormality.

Zhuang Zifeng's situation became even more serious, not only from his nose and mouth, but also blood from his eyes and ears, which was shocking.

Recommend the new book of the city **** Lao Shi:

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