Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1477: have a son

"If we can come, other people can also come, let's go up the mountain!"

Lu Mo didn't say what he found. When Dad Tang made an appointment, his friend didn't say that important people came over. Maybe he really didn't know, but it was also possible that these guests didn't like publicity. He thinks the latter is more likely. .

It's just as if you don't know.

The three of them soon arrived at the temple. The Great Buddha Temple has a history of nearly a thousand years and is a well-known ancient temple for thousands of years. Many people come from thousands of miles to pray to the Buddha and ask for a lottery. The incense is very strong.

Papa Tang's friend is the fire burning master of the temple, and his name is Liujue. He is a short, stout and kind middle-aged man. Seeing him, Ye Qingqing has deep doubts about going vegetarian to lose weight.

Master Liujue has at least three chins, oily face, and shy belly. Looking from the top down, he can't find his toes. Every day, green vegetables, tofu and radishes can be eaten so mellow, and Ye Qingqing is not a vegetarian to lose weight. .

"Let's eat here. There are distinguished guests in this temple today, so please don't intrude, especially in the front yard." Master Liujue reminded.

"Don't worry, we'll leave after dinner." Ye Qingqing and Lu Mo assured.

Wuchen returned the salute. She wore a small bald head and grew up in a temple. The Buddha nature in her body made Master Liujue feel good, and she smiled more kindly.

The vegetarian food with all the colors and flavors came up. Wuchen's eyes were sparkling, and he devoured it. Ye Qingqing and Lu Mo also ate a lot. After the whole table was eaten, Wuchen held his stomach and couldn't stop burping.

"I'm going to donate some incense money." Lu Mo said.

"I'll go with you and pay homage to the Bodhisattva by the way."

Now that he's here, it's natural to say goodbye. Ye Qingqing and Lu Mo went together. Before leaving, they told Wuchen not to run around and stay in the wing.

"We'll be back soon, don't wander around, and don't go to the front yard." Ye Qingqing was thinking like an old mother, and Wuchen was impatient, "I see, hurry up and talk."

Ye Qingqing glared in anger, and together with Lu Mo, went to Master Liujue to donate incense money, and then went to worship the Bodhisattva in other courtyards by the way. thing.

In a quiet and simple wing somewhere in the front yard, Zhuang Shicheng and his son were all there, sitting cross-legged on the futon respectfully, with a dignified master at the head, dressed in cassocks and holding Buddhist beads in their hands.

"Master, I didn't expect you to come to Pingjiang, what a coincidence." Zhuang Shicheng smiled.

The master at the top recited the Buddha's name, glanced at Zhuang Zidong with a haggard expression, and said with a smile, "The two young masters are now safe and sound, I'm glad to congratulate them."

"Thanks to the master's ingenious calculation, I found my son's fateful person, but it's a pity that Zidong... ah!" Zhuang Shicheng sighed, people always have to look to Shu, when Zhuang Zidong's life was in danger, he thought that as long as he could save his life.

But now that his eldest son's life has been saved, Zhuang Shicheng feels a little regretful that he can't have a child. It's not a good feeling when he thinks about it.

Zhuang Zidong was quite open to it. "When the time comes, let Zifeng give birth to a few more babies, and just give me one to raise."

The nephew and son are all the same, and he received a Western-style education, so he doesn't care much about the incense of the offspring. It is actually the same whether he is born or not, but in order to satisfy Zhuang Shicheng, he will try his best to have a son.

The master looked at Zhuang Zidong for a while, then smiled and said, "The eldest son has a son, don't worry!"

: . :

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