Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1522: photos that look alike

Lu Mo curled his lips contemptuously and whispered in Ye Qingqing's ear, "He's actually very scared, otherwise he wouldn't adopt Xiao Jiu."

Xiao Jiu's body is pure black without a single stray hair. Black dogs like this have their own righteousness and can deter ghosts. Ding Ba's purpose of adopting Xiao Jiu is to exorcise ghosts, but the effect is quite good, at least now Ding Ba Still living in peace.

But it is also possible that the previous hauntings were all legends, and there are no ghosts in fact, it may just be a coincidence.

Ye Qingqing held back her smile, silently watching Ding Ba pretending to be arrogant, too lazy to pierce him.

The third floor is full of bedrooms, and there is a study room. There is nothing to see. I went to the top floor. The terrace is big enough for dozens of people to barbecue. The attic contains a lot of things, it should be a storage room.

There was a lot of stuff inside, and there was a lot of dust. Ye Qingqing joked, "Maybe there are a lot of valuable antiques in it. If you find mynah, you'll be rich."

Ding Ba has no interest, "The valuables must be taken away, how can they stay."

"That's not necessarily true, maybe it's leaked, let's pick it up!"

Ye Qingqing was in high spirits. She wore a mask and went to draw. Most of them were toys and books, as well as old clothes and shoes. Although the styles were outdated, the materials were very good. Ye Qingqing also found a lot of dolls, hundreds of them.

"This young lady is really happy, her parents must love her very much." Ye Qingqing sighed.

Ding Ba snorted, "No matter how happy you are, you will die."

Ye Qingqing sighed, continued to scratch, and turned to a box full of photo albums, some of them were framed, most of them were group photos, which should be family portraits of the Gong family. The people inside were all wearing clothes from the Republic of China, and they were black and white photos with a sense of age. .

At the bottom is a single-person photo, above which is a man in his forties, in a suit and leather shoes, leaning on a civilized stick, standing in front of the gate of the palace, with an extraordinary momentum, Ye Qingqing was stunned for a while, then blinked again, put this The frame was taken out separately and wiped clean with a handkerchief.

"What's wrong?" Lu Mo asked.

Ye Qingqing pointed to the man in the photo frame and asked, "Do you think this person looks like Myna?"

Lu Moben was indifferent, but after a few glances, his expression became serious. The man in the photo is indeed somewhat similar to Ding Ba, especially his face and eyes, which are very similar.

"Who is like me?"

Ding Ba on the terrace heard it, walked in with a smile, glanced at the photo frame, and didn't take it seriously at all, "I don't think so, I'm much prettier than him."

"It's really similar. Myna, if you stick a two-way beard, it's exactly the same as him. Now go and stick your beard!" Ye Qingqing became interested, and her sixth sense told her that Ding Ba's life experience must have something to do with the man in the photo .

Ding Ba couldn't resist, so he had to ask Lu Mo to stick a fake beard on him. Lu Mo cut a few strands of his hair, made a mustache, glued it with glue, and then asked Ding Ba to put on a suit, a top hat, and the man in the photo. Really more like.

The difference is the temperament. The man in the photo has the nobility and majesty of the superior, while Ding Ba has a cynical and condescending temperament, a completely different temperament.

"Who is this man?" Ding Ba asked curiously.

"There are words on it, let me see."

Ye Qingqing wiped the text of the photo frame, and there was a line of small letters on it—

"On the 8th day of the third month in the 31st year of the Republic of China, my father Gong Yi's 40th birthday."

Gently read it out, Ye Qingqing calculated, "The 31st year of the Republic of China was 1943, when I was forty years old, if I am still alive now, I am ninety-three, this person is Gong Yi, it should be from the Gong family. ?"

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