Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1538: I want to strangle the princess

Ye Qingqing's heart skipped a beat, realizing that she had been staring at Princess Julie for too long. It was very rude, she quickly retracted her gaze, and said with a smile, "The princess is so beautiful, I can't take my eyes off it for a while."

Prince Edward was not happy at first, but after hearing her say that, he was happy again, and agreed with Ye Qingqing's words. In his eyes, Princess Julie was even more beautiful than Venus, the **** of love, the kind that is unparalleled in the world.

But Julie seems unhappy tonight, Edward is very distressed, thinking that the princesses of the T royal family are bullying Julie again, but unfortunately he is not able to protect his sweetheart now, alas!

Princess Julie smiled, her expression was very arrogant, and there was faint disdain in her eyes, Ye Qingqing felt it, and cursed a few words in her stomach, she really didn't like this princess.

To be honest, she thought she was much prettier than this princess.

"Don't bother you, bye!"

Roger bid farewell at the right time, and went back to the rest area with Ye Qingqing, and continued to feast. After eating a large plate, he burped with satisfaction and stopped eating, chewing a mint leaf to rinse his mouth.

Seeing Ye Qingqing's silence, Roger thought she was in a bad mood and comforted: "Don't care about the woman's attitude, she has always been like this, only Edward is blind and can't see."

Ye Qingqing was actually thinking about something. She heard that Roger was talking about Julie, and she clearly hated the princess, and asked deliberately: "You mean Princess Julie? I don't care, she's a princess, look down on her. I'm normal."


Roger shouted exaggeratedly and shrugged, "Actually, she doesn't have the title of princess yet, that's what she calls her."

Ye Qingqing wanted to know more, but Roger stopped talking and was going to invite her to dance again, because Edward and Julie also went to dance, but a tall girl floated over, it was Emily, she Looks like a good relationship with Roger.

Emily sat down generously, smiled at Ye Qingqing, and introduced herself: "My name is Emily, where are you from? HK or Bay Island? Or island country?"

"I came from inland, and belong to the same country as HK Bay Island." Ye Qingqing specially emphasized.

Emily was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "The inland is very big, are you Kyoto or Pingjiang? I know these two places, and I have been there too."

She didn't have a different expression because of Ye Qingqing's special emphasis, which made Ye Qingqing have a lot of goodwill towards smiled: "I'm from Pingjiang, and there are a lot of delicious food in my hometown. "

Roger's eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at Ye Qingqing with piercing eyes, as if looking at a lover.

"Are you from Pingjiang? I know that you have the Temple of the City God, there is a famous lover's beach called the Bund, and there are delicious soup dumplings... oh... I dreamed of going to Pingjiang, but I never had the chance. "

Roger was very excited and incoherent, Ye Qingqing heard it strangely, this guy has never been to Pingjiang, how could he know about Chenghuanggao and the Bund, and even soup dumplings?

"One of my elders came from Pingjiang, and she taught me my Chinese. She misses her hometown very much and told me a lot about her hometown..." Roger explained the reason himself.

Ye Qingqing suddenly realized, she guessed that this elder from Pingjiang should be Roger's mother or grandmother, looking at his black hair, it should be a mixed race of yellow and white!

She wanted to ask the elder again, but Emily got impatient, stabbed Roger, pointed to Julie on the dance floor and asked, "Don't you think that Bichi is very wrong today?"

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