Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1576: Gong Zhu and his people

Princess Luo also regretted, "It can also be concluded that Mr. Ding's parents must have been big families before, otherwise there would be no mink coats. Born in the 1970s, Mr. Ding's parents should be between eighteen and forty years old. ."

She thought with her eyes half closed, muttered to herself, suddenly stood up, ran back to the room and took out a notebook, which contained the materials related to the Gong family that she had consulted over the years.

"Gong Yi has four sons and one daughter. The youngest daughter is born by Gong Yi's wife Ruo, she is an old woman, and she is Gong Yi's jewel in the palm of his hand. Her name is Gong Zhu. When the Gong family accident, Gong Zhu was only five years old."

"Gongzhu? Princess... It's really a jewel in the palm of your hand. An accident happened to the Gong family in 1948. In 1970, Gongzhu should have been twenty-seven years old, but her age was appropriate. What happened to Gong Yi's four sons?" Ye Qingqing asked , I was filled with emotion.

She thought of the box of Barbie dolls in the storage room of the palace's residence, which should belong to this Miss Gongzhu!

Princess Luo looked at the notebook and added: "The four sons were all born to Gong Yi's wife, Gong Yi was married at the age of sixteen, and the first wife was three years older than him. She was virtuous and capable. Gong Yi's parents love him, Gong Yi also respects his wife very much, the youngest of the four sons was twenty years old at the time, and the three sons above were married and had children."

"The eldest son gave birth to two sons and a daughter, the second son a son and a daughter, and the third son and a daughter. Only the youngest son is still unmarried, and even the eldest son's son is a few years older than Gongzhu."

Princess Luo knew very well about the situation of the Gong family, which was what Luo Luo said during his lifetime. The Gong family was not only prosperous, but also prosperous. Gong Yi became a grandfather at the age of thirty-eight and has many descendants.

"Is it possible that it is Gong Yi's grandson's generation? No, the premise of this possibility is that the Gong family has not been wiped out." Ye Qingqing said.

Princess Luo smiled mysteriously, pointed to her book and said, "You can read the book. I will stay in HK for three days, and I will have the opportunity to discuss it later. I am really curious about that Mr. Ding."

"If there is a chance, I will definitely introduce friends and princess to you." Lu Mo also said, and was very grateful to Princess Luo.

Luo Xiong took out the dishes from the kitchen and said with a smile, "After eating, we will talk about it later."

The dishes are very rich. Luo Xiong's craftsmanship is very good. He pointed to a few bowls of vegetables and said, "These are all grown by me. They are green, organic and healthy. They are much better than the ones bought."

Luo Xiong looked around, and the fox asked: "Is Edward not eating at home? Why is this child not seen all day long!"

Princess Luo smiled, "He's grown up, Dad, don't worry about him too much."

Luo Xiong flattened his mouth, "I don't care. Edward only comes here for a few days at the end of the year. I can handle it? I'm just worried that he will go to find that princess again. You don't like that princess, don't you?"

"Cough cough..."

Princess Luo coughed a few times and looked at her father with dissatisfaction, with a helpless expression.

Luo Xiong realized that he had said the wrong thing and looked at his daughter with guilt. He always forgot her daughter's identity, alas!

Ye Qingqing and Lu Mo pretended not to hear, chatted with Luo Yonglan, and deliberately said loudly, Princess Luo didn't take it too seriously, she didn't like Princess Julie, the whole European royal family knew it, it was not good concealed.

After dinner at Luo's house, Ye Qingqing and Lu Mo said their goodbyes, and Luo Yonglan also followed. On the way back, he happened to meet Prince Edward and drove by himself, but there were several black cars behind him, so he should be his bodyguard!

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