Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1587: Intuition that your mother is Gongzhu

Lu Mo explained the situation of the Gong family in general, and said, "I and Princess Luo both think that you must be related to the Gong family by blood, but we are not sure whether Gong Yi is your grandfather or Zeng Grandpa."

Gong Yi has several grandchildren, all of whom are about the same age as Gong Zhu. These people may be Ding Ba's father or mother.

Ye Qingqing couldn't help but say, "I feel Gongzhu is the most likely. I don't know why, but I think Gongzhu has something to do with Starling."

She couldn't tell the reason, maybe it was an intuition. When she heard Princess Luo's introduction to Gongzhu, she had this feeling, and it felt even stronger after reading the book.

"I don't think it's possible. Gong Zhu is Gong Yi's most beloved daughter. Gong Yi must have already arranged Gong Zhu, how could she still be living outside." Lu Mo thought it unlikely.

He and Ye Qingqing's thinking patterns are diametrically opposed. He values ​​the facts more, and then analyzes them based on the facts, but Ye Qingqing relies more on feeling, and she trusts intuition.

Ding Ba didn't say a word, kicked his slippers upstairs, came down with a large stack of photo frames, and spread it on the table, "I've been going through these a few days and found these photos, what do you guys say? Gongzhu should be this."

The photo frames have been wiped clean, Ding Ba finds one from inside, and looks at Gong Yi with a beard, dressed similar to the one on the 40th birthday, but this one is sitting, holding a cute little boy in his arms. Baby, there is a small line next to it -

Beloved Palace Pearl Hundred Days.

"And this one."

Ding Ba pulled out another one. It was a single photo of Gongzhu. Standing on the lawn in the front yard of the palace, the little girl was wearing a delicate lace-trimmed princess dress and a princess crown on her head, smiling especially at the camera. happy.

This little girl is about four or five years old, delicate, beautiful and lovely, with a particularly contagious smile, she is happy when she sees it, and there is also a line of small characters next to the photo——

The fifth birthday of the beloved daughter Gongzhu.

The other photos are also pictures of Gong Zhu, both of which are one or two years old. There are annotations next to them, and the handwriting is the same. It should be Gong Yi's handwriting, and the names are all beloved daughters. It shows how much Gong Yi loves this old woman. .

"I also think it's unlikely that it's Gong Zhu. This is a baby bump. Can Gong Yi arrange it? If I really have something to do with the Gong family, maybe it's Gong Yi's great-grandson." Ding Ba and Lu Mo has the same idea.

Save others by himself. If he has a precious girl, he knows in advance that there will be a big change in the family, and he will definitely arrange his heart. If Gong Yi has arranged in advance, Gong Zhu will definitely be the first ~Ding Ba picked up the photo frame again, and went upstairs with kicks. When he came back, he didn't have the photo frame in his hand. He yawned lazily, "That's it, I've already thought about it, Gong Yi Zao turned into ashes, and my parents probably turned into ashes. Even if other Gong family members are still alive, they are far away from me. Let everything take its course. Don't waste your time. It's no big deal."

He is no longer a baby who is breastfeeding. He has come here for so many years without a father or mother. Now he wants money and money, a house and a house, and a woman who wants to be caught casually. What is there to worry about?

However, he is still very grateful to his friends for taking care of him.

"Didn't you say you wanted to find your parents? Your heart has become faster than a woman's. I have to follow this matter to the end!" Ye Qingqing rolled her eyes angrily.

Ding Ba smiled, "I'm not afraid to delay your time!"

Lu Mo glared coldly and pulled Ye Qingqing away. He was also interested in the Gong family's affairs, so naturally he couldn't give up, and he felt that the truth should not be far away!

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