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Chapter 1659 Keiko

Ding Ba's buttocks hurt so much, he rubbed it sadly, and limped to the sofa. Seeing that it was a single-seat sofa, he couldn't help but get angry.

"You throw the quilt out of me!"

Ding Ba limped to the door of the room again, tried his best to suppress his anger, and discussed in a good voice, but the inner room remained motionless, and there was no response. He shouted again in anger.

Miao Tianxiong is already falling asleep. Since she became pregnant, her spirit has changed a lot. Before she was 24 hours a day, she only hated being able to sleep for 20 hours. As soon as she touched the bed, she fell asleep and was called by Ding Ba's ghost. When he woke up, Miao Tianxiong was instantly furious.

She took out the dagger that was shining with cold light from under the pillow, and rushed to the door with murderous aura. As soon as the door was opened, she held the dagger in front of Ding Ba's neck, "Tell me to kill you again!"

What I hate the most is when someone is crying and howling while sleeping, she would have been slaughtered long ago.

Ding Ba was so frightened that he didn't dare to move, and begged: "Give me a quilt, the sofa is too small, I can't sleep, I have to make a floor."

"Sleep naked!"

Miao Tianxiong replied coldly, slammed the door, and yawned several times in a row. His mother was so sleepy that she had no time to pick up the quilt. Anyway, it was not winter, and even sleeping naked all night would not freeze to death.

Miao Tianxiong, who was back on the bed, shouted again, "Shout again and I'll cut your tongue!"

Ding Ba was so frightened that he closed his mouth tightly, his eyes were wet, and he was so wronged that he wanted to cry to Gong Yi right now. The old man found him a daughter-in-law, a female hell!

He was lying on the floor aggrieved. It was May. It was very cold at night. The floor was icy cold, and it was cold to the bones. It would definitely be a serious cold to sleep in this way. Ding Ba had to get up and put the two single sofas together. , Half curled up, fell asleep aggrievedly, curled up like shrimp.

A long hall in Pingjiang, a crowded courtyard.

This is an old Shikumen house with a total of four floors. There are dozens of families living in it, basically all the people from the bottom of the city, who sell breakfast, polish shoes, repair bicycles, and pour incense at night... … a wide variety of occupations are available.

It was early in the morning, most of the people were still sleeping, but there were a few houses with dim lights on. The old woman who cooked during the day lived in a small room on the first floor. She was already up, wearing an apron. Put on the hat, the house is small, but it is well-organized, and the windows are bright and clean, which is in stark contrast to the crowded and noisy courtyard~www.readwn.com~ The old woman is steaming glutinous rice and preparing side dishes. She is about to launch it to sell breakfast. She sells porcelain rice balls, one of the favorite breakfasts of Pingjiang people.

Put half a fried dough stick in the soft glutinous rice, and then put some steamed plum dried vegetables, wrap it in gauze, and squeeze it hard, a solid rice ball is ready, economical and affordable, and the people in Pingjiang Everyone loves porcelain rice balls.

Keiko (hereafter referred to as Keiko) is making porcelain rice balls. She has improved it a bit, adding a lot of side dishes. The others are dried prunes. She can fry eggs, fry bacon, and make some side dishes, plus her The stalls are clean and tidy. Even if they are one or two cents more expensive than others, the business is still booming. Every morning, they can sell a large bucket of glutinous rice, and the money they earn is barely enough to support the lives of their mothers.

If Pearl hadn't gotten worse, she wouldn't have cooked that dish.

Keiko glanced at her daughter who was lying on the bed, and was very worried. She hoped that her daughter would survive this time. If Pearl was gone, she really wouldn't have the courage to support her any longer!

Live without love!

Rebirth of ninety hot wife and husband

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