Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1666: rescue in time

Lu Mo took out a photo of Ding Ba, in a suit and leather shoes, his hair was shiny and combed, and he had a mustache. At first glance, it was almost exactly the same as Gong Yi.

Keiko glanced, her eyes became even more excited, her hands trembled, "This is... is this Dingba?"

It's so similar, it's so similar to him when he was young, it looks like it's printed out of a template.

"Yes, it's my friend Ding Ba. It's raining too much now. Can we go to your house to discuss in detail?" Lu Mo asked for advice.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier. His face was covered with rain, and his eyes could not be opened. Even if he was wearing a raincoat, water still penetrated into his clothes. Lu Mo was worried that Ye Qingqing would catch a cold.

Keiko hesitated for a while, then nodded in agreement, "My house is in front, let's go!"

Based on her intuition, these two beautiful young men and women should not have been sent by the enemy, and she wanted to take a gamble with that photo.

If she can find her grandson, Pearl will definitely have more motivation to persevere.

Lu Mo helped her push the tricycle and walked for about half an hour before arriving at Huizi's house.

"I'll park the car first, the house is a little small." Keiko pushed the tricycle to the entrance of the corridor, and then went over to open the door.

Ye Qingqing looked at the situation in the courtyard, and it was similar to her grandmother Gu Nianci's previous living environment, and the fortunes of the two were very similar, except that Huizi was obviously much stronger than Gu Nianci.

Keiko opened the door and pushed it gently. The furnishings inside were clear at a glance. Although it was small, it didn't look crowded and messy. It looked very warm, especially on such a rainy day.

Ye Qingqing saw the big bed next to the wall at first glance, the quilt was slightly raised, and couldn't help but secretly rejoiced that Gongzhu was indeed with Huizi, but why did Gongzhu let her old mother go to the stall in the rain, but she slept late?

"Please sit down!"

Huizi moved out two small stools and was about to make tea for them. Ye Qingqing pointed to the bed and asked, "Is she Gongzhu?"

"Yes, Pearl is not well."

Keiko brewed two cups of tea and went to see her daughter's condition. Normally, Pearl didn't sleep dead, and would wake up with a little movement. Why did she still not wake up when a guest came, and Keiko was a little flustered.


The shrill cry came, Ye Qingqing just picked up the tea cup to drink, and was so scared that he almost dropped the cup, Lu Mo had already rushed to the bed, he saw the empty bottle of sleeping pills beside the pillow, and his heart sank, "She eats Sleeping pills, Qingqing, come here!"

"Step aside!"

Ye Qingqing probed Gongzhu's nose, still breathing weakly, she hurriedly pulled out the gold needle, pierced Gongzhu's body a few times, and shouted to Huizi: "Bring a basin!"

Keiko has calmed down, she brought the enamel basin, Ye Qingqing helped Gongzhu, and patted her back quickly. After a few minutes, Gongzhu reacted and vomited.

The room was filled with a sour smell, Gong Zhu stopped vomiting, her eyelids were slightly opened, her face became paler and weaker, and Ye Qingqing fed her pills, and she was relieved.

"Some of the sleeping pills have been spit out, but there are still some left in the body. Fortunately, it didn't take long to eat them, so it's fine." Ye Qingqing comforted.

Keiko fell to the ground and was extremely grateful, "Thank you..."

Lu Mo picked up the suicide note on the quilt. It was in very decent Chinese, in small italics, and it was very beautiful. He glanced at it and handed it to Keiko.

"Silly Pearl, what's the point of my mother's life without you!" Keiko's voice was choked, and even though she was so sad, she still managed to hold back her tears and maintained an elegant demeanor.


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