Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1759: The most embarrassing in history

The mysterious and beautiful lavender of the dress is also too expensive to scare people to death.

Because it is not a chemical formula, but a kind of conch from the deep sea. This kind of conch itself is nothing special, but it can extract the most beautiful purple pigment, a purple that is more expensive than gold. Even the previous royal family was reluctant to give up a lot Purple used.

Miao Tianxiang did everything she could for Gong Yi's drenchedness, and the edges of the dress were so devoid of humanity, and she also enjoyed the process in the middle, because what she loved most in her life was to spend money well, especially spend other people's money.

It was so refreshing, and Miao Tianxiang's brain hole was getting bigger and bigger, and it also aroused the fun of Mrs. Warren, who was reluctant. Therefore, two women who can be said to be the most money makers joined forces to create a This is the first dress ever.

The fabric and paint are actually the most cost-effective on this dress. Mrs. Gong said that it would be the most flashy in the audience, so Mrs. Warren decided to inlay the dress with sparkling crystals, but Miao Tianxiang disliked the cheap crystals and came up with a bad idea.


Three hundred and sixty-five diamonds were added to the dress. It is estimated that Miao Tianxiang came up with this wonderful idea after listening to "Three Hundred and Sixty-Five Blessings" sung by a male singer.

Ye Qingqing didn't know about it beforehand, Miao Tianxiang said she wanted to give her a big surprise, so that she only needed to maintain a good figure, and she didn't need to worry about anything.

She thought that what Miao Tianxiang prepared should be a high-order dress, and she could still accept the price of hundreds of thousands. She treated several big local tyrants, and the medical expenses started at one million, plus the profit of Snow Skin Cream, and her name The fixed assets of tens of millions are still there.

"This purple is so pretty." Ruan Yingzi praised her.

Ye Qingqing also felt that the color of the dress was really beautiful. She wanted to take it off and try the size. The style of the dress was quite to her heart. She wanted to pick up the dress casually, but her waist almost flashed.

Damn it!

Is this dress made of iron?

Ye Qingqing stood firm, and only held up the dress with both hands. In fact, the weight is within the acceptable range, but it is still too heavy for a dress. Dancing in such a heavy dress, Ye Qingqing suspects that her skirt can be hit to death. people!

"Are these crystals or diamonds? Damn... they are really broken diamonds. Although they are quite small, they are worth a lot of money. Your clothes are amazing!" Ruan Yingzi tutted in amazement.

In the past, I always heard that a certain local tyrant married a daughter-in-law, and her wedding dress was studded with diamonds, but today I can see it. It was really flashy, and she was blinded.

Ye Qingqing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, even if the broken diamonds were worthless, it was not a small number when added up. Is Miao Tianxiang's money burning her hands?

"Look at this report... The most mysterious dress in history, I don't know who is responsible for it? Mrs. Warren, who has already retired from the arena, designed it herself. The most mysterious ancient oriental country's rare wild silk woven fabric came to Shendawan. The most beautiful purple dyed with pigments prepared by conch shells at the bottom of the sea, and three hundred and sixty-five diamonds..."

Ruan Yingzi murmured, and the more she looked, the more strange her expression became. Ye Qingqing glanced at the dress on her hand, and the two looked at each other.

"Isn't this the most embarrassing and mysterious dress in history?" Ruan Yingzi swallowed hard.

Rao came from a wealthy family, but she was still shocked by the arrogance. She could accept the generous purchase of jewelry by the old lady of the Ruan family. After all, the money was still there, and it was considered an investment.

But spending so much money on a piece of clothing that is of no practical use is really too much. The money is so much that people will hate it!


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