Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1797: break up the engagement

Ye Qingqing was taken aback, "Why did she suddenly return to the palace? I told her not to go back for the time being."

"The king was seriously ill, and Bazaar had to go back. Before she left, she sent me a text message," said Gongsunlin.

Ye Qingqing's heart sank, and she felt that Bazaar's return this time would definitely be bad luck. Julie had just returned to the palace on the front foot, and the king on the back foot was seriously ill. He summoned Bazaar to return to the palace.

"I'm rushing to Country T now, I hope it's still too late."

"I'll go too and meet in the capital."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Qingqing hurriedly packed her luggage and explained the matter to Lu Mo, "I'm worried that Bazaar will have an accident, so act in advance!"

Lu Mo nodded, "I'm going to book a flight."

He still sympathizes with Bazaar. Of course, the most important thing is that Julie wants to harm Ye Qingqing. This vicious woman must be eliminated, otherwise there will be endless troubles, so I can help Bazaar by the way.

Ruan Yingzi also wanted to follow her. Ye Qingqing coaxed her back to the country and did not let her get involved. The Ruan family was not as rich as the Gongsun family. The king of country T did not dare to provoke the Gongsun family, but he dared to touch the Ruan family.

Ye Qingqing called Bazaar, but no one answered. She called it more than a dozen times, and finally shut down. She felt more and more bad. Bazaar was afraid that she was under house arrest, maybe even...

She and Lu Mo saw Gongsun Lin as soon as they got off the plane. She arrived first, and drove an off-road vehicle by herself, instead of staying at the hotel, "I have a house here, you can live with me, it will be more convenient to do things."

Ye Qingqing and Lu Mo had no objection. Gongsun Lin's house was by the sea. When she passed by the newspaper office, Lu Mo asked her to stop the car, got out of the car and bought a copy of the E-Country Globe, which was all in English and could be understood.

Lu Mo read it again, his expression became serious, and he said solemnly: "Princess Bazaar's fiance has terminated the engagement, the announcement issued today."

Ye Qingqing was taken aback. She took the newspaper and read it, and she saw the picture of Princess Bazaar. It was the one she wore at the dance. It was very beautiful, but the news content made people feel heavy. The son issued a statement, rescinding the engagement, with a very firm attitude, citing incompatible personalities.

"It's such a **** bullshit, what's the difference between the three views, it must be Julie's face, I have to kill her!" Gongsun Lin was so angry that she almost crashed, and she slammed on the brakes to avoid it.

"What on earth did Julie do to make that man break off the engagement so resolutely." Ye Qingqing really couldn't understand.

The events of that night were all sealed up. It was impossible for Dato's son to know, but if it wasn't for this reason, why did he dissolve the marriage? Bazaar was a princess, not a daughter of an ordinary family.

Lu Mo said solemnly: "Julie must have entered the surveillance ahead of time and saved the video. With her ability, she can easily enter within a few minutes."

"Mrs. Dylan has removed the surveillance."

Lu Mo calmly analyzed, "There is a gap in the middle. Julie goes to the lounge to change clothes, and there is a fifteen-minute gap between Mrs. Dylan and Mrs. Dylan to delete the monitoring. These fifteen minutes are enough for her to do a lot of things."

"Aunt Xiang broke her computer. Even if she has a hard drive, it's not that easy to fix." Ye Qingqing retorted.

"You can send emails, as long as you change the computer."

Lu Mo's words made Ye Qingqing feel like an electric shock, her whole body was stunned, she smashed her head in annoyance, why didn't she think of emails, she only thought about saving the hard drive, how could she be so stupid.

"Don't blame yourself. In fact, even if there is no video, Julie will not let Bazaar go. She can make up countless reasons because the king listens to her." Lu Mo comforted.

The fact is also true. The king of country T has great power. As long as Julie has such a big backer, she doesn't need a reason to punish anyone. Bazaar's biggest mistake is to go back to the palace obediently. This girl is too honest.


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