Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1800: under house arrest

He followed the two bodyguards to the resplendent top floor. There were bodyguards in black standing on both sides of the corridor. It seemed that the top floor was reserved for the queen.

I saw Lu Mo and the queen in the hall. I can usually see the queen in newspapers and on TV. The second queen of country T has an excellent resume. She came from a famous family, graduated from a famous school, and is young and beautiful, even if she doesn't marry For the king, there are countless young talents waiting for her.

And now it seems that if the queen marries into a wealthy family, maybe her life will be more comfortable than now!

On TV and in newspapers, the queen is always bright and radiant, but she looks very haggard at close range. The fine lines at the corners of her eyes are obvious, and the underside of her eyes is blue and black. It is obvious that she is too worried and lacks sleep.

"Mrs. Dylan told me about the ball that night, you are here for Bazaar!" The queen's voice was soft and relaxing.

"Yes, how is Princess Bazaar now? We can't contact her, so I'm very worried." Ye Qingqing asked directly.

The queen smiled slightly, "Bazaar is lucky to have good friends like you. She is under house arrest by the king, and I can't see her. It should be fine for the time being. Julie is not so bold yet."

Ye Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the person is fine, the marriage contract will be dissolved. There are men in the world, so find a better one.

"Why did the king put Bazaar under house arrest? Was it Julie's bewitching?" Ye Qingqing asked.

The queen nodded, "As soon as Julie came back, she told the king about what happened at the ball that night and the video. The king was furious. He deliberately said that he was sick and tricked Harper's back."

Ye Qingqing sighed, this girl Bazaar is so honest, she jumped in foolishly knowing it was a scam.

"Her fiancé is Julie's ghost too, right?"

The queen sneered, "Julie is very jealous, she learned that Uncle Bazaar had found a good marriage for her, so she deliberately approached that man, huh... all men in the world have a virtue, eat from a bowl, look In addition to Julie's intention to seduce, this man has long forgotten Bazaar."

She had already checked it out. Julie first gave the video to the fiancé, and deliberately said some specious words, so that the fiancé mistakenly thought that Bazaar was a girl with a bad style, and she had a taciturn temperament. Tired fiancé, the video just made him happy, and he had a good excuse to get rid of Bazaar.

"I don't want this kind of dog man. Even if I get married to Bazaar, I won't be happy." Gongsun Lin said bitterly.

A handsome face appeared in her mind, her face was hot, and the feeling in her heart was very strange. The man usually behaved bohemianly, but at critical moments, he was very manly, more than the so-called honest and loyal man of Bazaar. Much stronger.

The queen sighed, "Although that man is not worth marrying, but the man took the initiative to break the engagement, causing the king to suffer a great humiliation. This account was placed on Bazaar's head. I don't know when he will calm down!"

The husband and wife have been married for more than ten years. She knows the king very well. She has no bearing like a king of a country.

"It won't even harm his own daughter, will it still be human?" Ye Qingqing said angrily.

The queen shook her head and smiled bitterly: "Of course he won't do such a stupid thing, but he will marry Bazaar to consolidate his imperial power!"


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