Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1806: White Dragon Mage

However, Ye Qingqing didn't really see that Kagel's **** actually liked Gongsun Lin. Although Kagel was a little selfish that night, he was also more than enough and could only protect one, and chose the one he liked, Gongsun Lin. excusable.

Lu Mo asked Gongsun Lin to examine the gardener to see if there were any other female clerks in the house. The gardener said that he was the only one and that he had no party.

Gongsun Lin locked him on the top floor, this guy will have to come in handy in the future.

After dinner, Gongsun Lin took them to the residence of Master Bailong. It took less than an hour to drive. It was a beautiful place with beautiful scenery and no one around. There were only some farmland. The whole mountain belonged to Master Bailong, but these farmlands. It is rented by tenant farmers, and Master Bailong is a big landowner.

The biggest place in country T is the king, and almost half of the land belongs to the king.

"That white house is the residence of Master Bailong." Gongsun Lin pointed away, and there was a white house looming halfway up the mountain, hidden in the shade of greenery.

"Are there guards on the mountain?" Lu Mo asked.

Gongsun Lin shook her head, "I don't know, but this mountain is a forbidden area, and you are not allowed to break into it at will."

Lu Mo knew that there should be guards. He asked Ye Qingqing and Gongsunyao to follow him, and the three climbed up the mountain from the back.

Master Bailong's house is not big from a distance, but it is very grand when seen up close. It looks like a temple, with a particularly mysterious atmosphere, which makes people feel awe.

I could vaguely see some people in monk robes walking around the house. It seemed that there were quite a few people in the house.

"I'll go first, you guys are waiting here."

Lu Mo took out a piece of black cloth and covered most of his face with only his eyes exposed. At this time, the sky was completely dark, and the mosquitoes on the mountain were buzzing and flying in front of him. Although these mosquitoes were small, they were very poisonous. Strong, bite a swollen boss and a bag, and it will even rot.

Gongsun Lin was bitten several times, and it was itchy and painful, but she didn't dare to beat it too loudly. Ye Qingqing sprinkled it casually, and the yellow powder was evenly sprinkled on Gongsun Lin's body. They formed a dark circle in the distance, but they did not dare to approach Gongsun Lin.

"Apply this medicine to the bite and it will stop itching."

Ye Qingqing threw a small bottle of ointment, and Gongsun Lin smeared it on with suspicion. In the past, she was bitten by a poisonous mosquito on her face when she went up the mountain to play, but it took her half a month to get cured in the hospital. Aura?

But as soon as she applied the ointment, it was clear and cool, very comfortable, and the redness and swelling disappeared after a while, leaving only one red spot. Gongsun Lin was convinced. No wonder she was able to cure the old man.

"Sell this bottle of medicine to me?" Gongsun Lin was reluctant to return the ointment to Ye Qingqing. She likes to explore in the wild. If she had this ointment, she would no longer have to be afraid of poisonous mosquitoes.

Ye Qingqing said coolly, "I'll take it off for you, and it'll be the accommodation fee."

Gongsun Lin happily put away the ointment, and her impression of Ye Qingqing is getting better and better. She is a very generous person, much better than Gongsun Yao's scheming watch.

The two waited outside for about a quarter of an hour, and the sweet bird chirping sounded, three long and two short, Ye Qingqing was refreshed, dragged Gongsun Lin and rushed in, "Let's go, my man has done it!"

The sound of birdsong is the secret sign of her and Lu Mo's appointment. Three longs and two shorts indicate that everything is fine, go forward boldly, and three shorts and two longs indicate danger, so run for your life first.



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