Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1810: Don't hit the south wall, don't give up

Lu Mo could see Master Bailong's shame and anger, and he understood it very well. When he held Master Bailong's pulse just now, he found that he had internal injuries.

Master Bailong said that Julie is a broom star, but the country T has been very smooth in recent years, and there has been no natural or man-made disaster. It should be that he has lost his cultivation base to protect the country's fortune. Although this old monk has a loss of personal virtue, he still stands on the big issue. Hold your feet.

Seeing that the old monk was silent for a long time, Ye Qingqing thought that he still didn't believe that Wu Qing was not his daughter, so she said: "Master, now that medicine is developed, you can test your hair and Wu Qing's hair, and it will take at most two days. There are results."

Master Bailong sighed. It wasn't that he didn't believe it, he was just a little unwilling. He had to hit the southern wall before giving up.

"Come back in two days!"

Master Bailong waved his hand with a decadent expression.


Lu Mo got up and winked at Ye Qingqing who was about to speak. The three of them left the room. The people on the ground were still unconscious. Lu Mo drugged them and they would wake up when the time came.

After going down the mountain, Ye Qingqing asked, "What are we doing these two days? Why wait?"

Lu Mo smiled, "The scenery here is not bad, you can go for a walk and taste the food."

It's no use in a hurry, they have to figure it out slowly, without the help of Master Bailong, they can't change Julie's status at all, they can only wait.

Ye Qingqing sighed, how could she be in the mood to go shopping and eat food, Bazaar still didn't know what was going on.

Although he was in a hurry, Ye Qingqing went outside with Lu Mo. The tropical fruits here are super cheap, and the durians tasted very good. The two days went by quite quickly.

Master Bailong finally got a response, and asked them to go to the mountain for a detailed discussion.

After two days of not seeing him, Master Bailong looked a little haggard. It is estimated that the results of the appraisal had stabbed him again. This time, his dozen or so disciples were not in a coma, and stared at them vigilantly with bad eyes.

"You go outside and wait."

Master Bai Long gave an order. Although the disciples were reluctant, they went out obediently. When they reached the door, they glared at Lu Mo, as if warning him not to do anything to their master.

"What do you want to do?" Master Bailong asked in a hoarse voice.

Lu Mo said solemnly, "This woman wants to harm my fiancee. I just want to bring her back to her original form and lose the king's favor."

Of course, he wanted to kill Julie, but this White Dragon Mage was a little unclear. He might have had a relationship with Julie's mother and daughter in the past ten years, so he didn't dare to directly say that he wanted to take Julie's life.

As long as Julie was pulled from the altar and lost the king's protection, even if he didn't do anything, the queen would not be able to spare this woman.

Master Bailong said solemnly, "This is simple, I will meet the king tomorrow to give Julie a new order."

Ye Qingqing's eyes lit up, as long as the king knew that the precious daughter was a broom star, with the virtue of the king's fear of death, he would definitely not love Julie any more, and he might even drive this woman out of the palace!

"Master, Princess Bazaar's situation is very bad right now, it's all because of Julie, can you help her?" Ye Qingqing begged.

If the White Dragon Master is willing to take action, he should be able to save Bazaar.

Master Bailong frowned, but didn't answer, "Let's see tomorrow, everyone has their own destiny, Princess Bazaar's fate is inherently bumpy, and there are many disasters, even if I help her this time, she In the future, she will still encounter greater ordeals, and she can only get out of it by herself."



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