Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1828: beat yourself up

The queen's provocation made the king's face even darker, and his dissatisfaction with Julie also boiled to the top.

However, considering Julie's fate, the king still endured his dissatisfaction and didn't make a big deal, but his face was extremely ugly.

"Whose meat is it?" the king asked.

Julie didn't dare to hide it any longer, "It's a maid, and she willingly offered meat for her father."

Ye Qingqing said coldly: "Your Highness, I made it very clear yesterday that you must have the flesh of your closest relatives. Are you trying to kill your majesty by making the flesh of a maid?"

"No... I didn't know it would be so serious, Father... I'll cut the flesh, I'm wrong!"

Julie gritted her teeth, grabbed the scissors that the queen put on the table, and resolutely cut a piece of meat, which immediately bleeds like a stream, and a small piece of meat was left sticking to her arm, and the blood was dripping. On the ground, it soon merged into a small beach, and the whole hall was filled with the smell of blood.

Ye Qingqing frowned, this woman can be so cruel to herself, she is a werewolf!

"Father...I...I was wrong..."

Julie was so in pain that she could not breathe and was shaky. Finally, she couldn't hold back and fainted. The king's face softened a lot and asked someone to lift Julie down and stew the meat. His 'dragon body' was the best. it matters.

The queen was so angry that she gritted her teeth. Seeing that she was about to succeed, this **** made such a ruthless move. Ye Qingqing gave her a wink, telling her to take it easy.

The meat soup was quickly stewed and served. The king ate it without hesitation. Ye Qingqing felt disgusted. This kind of person is really selfish and only has himself in his heart. You can also do it without hesitation!

Of course, the so-called meat-cutting therapy has no scientific basis. It is an ignorant therapy developed by advocating filial piety in ancient times, but in fact, not many people believe it. Ye Qingqing proposed this method only to deliberately rectify Julie.

Julie thought everything would be fine after cutting the meat. Hmph, this is just the beginning!

"Divine Doctor... I should be fine now, right?"

After the king finished drinking the meat soup, he felt very good, his whole body was warm, but he drank two bowls of meat soup in a row, and his mouth was very fishy. The queen thoughtfully brought tea again, and ordered the little finger in the tea without any trace. Down.

"Your Majesty, rinse your mouth!" The queen said softly, with a concerned expression on her face.

The king's mouth was tight, and he gave the queen an "affectionate" smile. After taking the tea and drinking it, the queen's eyes flashed with coldness.

Ye Qingqing said solemnly, "Your Highness is your Majesty's lucky star. After drinking this bowl of meat soup, you will naturally recover. Your Majesty is at ease..."

But before the words were finished, the unfortunate king started to feel bad again. He was even worse than before, his body was shaking violently, his face was as white as a dead person, black blood was spitting out of half a basin, and the house had a stench.

The queen didn't expect it to be so serious, she looked at Ye Qingqing worriedly, afraid that she would really kill this scumbag, Ye Qingqing shook her head slightly, calm, and the queen was relieved.

Ye Qingqing gave the king another acupuncture treatment, and dragged him back from the 'Ghost Gate'. After tossing twice in a row, the king was so frightened that he could not sit still, and was carried to the bedroom by the guards, like a dead man Lying down and humming.

"Divine Doctor, what's going on? The meat is fine this time!" the queen asked deliberately.

Ye Qingqing frowned and muttered to herself suspiciously, "No, as long as it is the flesh of a close relative, it will definitely work, but there is another possibility."


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