Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1836: Li Daitaozong

The queen's eyes lit up and her face brightened. This Li Daitao's method was not bad. The king did not make a written marriage contract because the engagement was too hastily. He just said it verbally, and because Bazaar had just called off the marriage, the king was unlucky. , did not let the official publicity of the royal family, just wanted to marry Bazaar as an ordinary married daughter.

In this way, it is convenient for her to play tricks in it.

The queen smiled slightly, "Ye Shenyi is right, there is not only one princess Bazaar, anyone can marry, and the Li family will definitely be satisfied."

The Li family just wanted to find a princess to improve their status. As for which princess, the Li family didn't care.

Ye Qingqing also laughed and didn't say a word.

"As a princess, it's not a problem for Bazaar. I have to tell your majesty and send her to a sanatorium for recuperation, and then return to the palace when she returns to normal." The queen said to herself.

Bazaar's body trembled slightly on the bed, but luckily the queen turned her back and didn't notice.

Ye Qingqing shook her head slightly, telling her to calm down.

The queen was in a hurry to report the matter to the king and left in a hurry. Ye Qingqing used an excuse to say that she would give Bazaar another acupuncture to detoxify the remaining poison. In the room, only she and Bazaar were left.

Bazaar's indifferent expression immediately became very anxious, ah ah ah ah, ah ah ah said, hand gestures, Ye Qingqing knew what she meant and comforted: "Don't worry, even if you go to the sanatorium, it will be fine, you just need to act crazy like just now. , when Julie married you, you will return to normal."

For a princess who has become a fool, and the king does not like to see him, he will definitely not give too much care, maybe after he is sent to the sanatorium, he will forget the existence of Bazaar after a while!

Bazaar's face changed slightly, and she marked Julie's name on Ye Qingqing's hand. Ye Qingqing didn't understand what she meant, so she took out the pen and paper again and asked her to write it out.

"How could Julie get married? My father would not agree."

Ye Qingqing just remembered that Bazaar didn't know that Julie had capsized, so she said it, "Julie and Mrs. Wu faked the fate of wealth and honor, she was originally a broom star, your father has already found out Now Julie is the daughter he hates the most."

Bazaar grinned, very happy, and wrote on the paper: "Evil will be rewarded, deserve it!"

This vicious little sister was finally punished, and when she thought that Julie, who wanted to marry the European royal family, would replace her with that disgusting pervert, Bazaar was happier, and she was determined to carry the fool to the end.

As long as Julie is unlucky, she can pretend to be a fool all her life.

"You don't have to dress for too long. When Julie is married, you can return to normal when you want to come back." Ye Qingqing said.

Bazaar nodded, her eyes flashed. Inspired by Ye Qingqing, she had a new idea, but she needed the help of her friends.

Seeing what Bazaar wrote on the paper, Ye Qingqing was taken aback and a little surprised, "Do you really want to escape?"

Bazaar wanted Ye Qingqing to help her and make her more serious. She knew very well the selfishness and cold-bloodedness of the king. A foolish and sick princess who lost her chastity was useless. The king would never pay too much attention to her. So she could escape from the palace where she was suffocating and suffering.

Even if life is a little harder, Bazaar is willing, as long as she can breathe the breath of freedom and let her fly freely.

Bazaar nodded firmly and wrote, "I don't want to stay longer, even if it makes me ugly."


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