Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1841: If someone gets married, pray to God

If Gongsun Lin is really pregnant, and if she was forced to become pregnant, Ye Qingqing will definitely not stop her, but now it seems that Gongsun Lin and Kagel are not without feelings. After taking the medicine, but also exercising emotionally, the baby born in this way must be very healthy, why should it be brutally aborted!

"I still don't know if I'm pregnant or not, you have to make some wool!" Ye Qingqing despised her very much.

She has no common sense in life, just like her brother. No wonder Mr. Gong Yi always feels that there is no successor.

"When will you know?"

"At least a month!"

Gongsun Lin gritted her teeth, and she waited another half a month. If there is no best, she must get rid of it. She doesn't want to serve her little ancestor for the rest of her life, and she doesn't want to step into the grave of marriage.

"You hide this from me, don't tell the old man, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!" Gongsun Lin threatened viciously.

If the old man knew that she might be pregnant, he would definitely **** her to hold the wedding, but she was not afraid of the sky, but she was afraid of the old man like a tiger, so she didn't dare to resist at all.

Ye Qingqing snorted coldly, "I'm full, it's none of my business!"

There's no need for her to make a small report. Kagel is as insidious as a fox. How could he hide such a big matter of marriage? He might have informed Gong Yi before he came!

The harsh phone rang, it was Gongsun Lin's.

Looking at the caller ID, Gongsun Lin's heart beat faster, but she didn't dare not answer the phone, she was the most terrified old man.

"Since I got married to Kagel, I'll take it upon myself to live a good life, be filial to the elderly and parents-in-law, and be friendly to my sister-in-law, uncle and aunt, and don't lose the face of our Gongsun family..."

Gong Yi's tone was dignified, and he was somewhat relieved. He still admired Kagel's future life, at least he was stronger than his unfilial descendants.

"Grandpa Zeng, I..." Gongsun Lin summoned the courage to protest, but—

"What else do you want? You are eight feet tall, with a brain as stupid as a pig, and a bad temper. You can't do anything other than spend money. It's useless. If Kagel wants to marry you, he will worship you. God, I will take care of my heart, I will hold a wedding for you when the weather is cooler, and I dare to run away from the marriage and interrupt you!"

The old man gave a vigorous training. He scolded Gongsun Lin so much that it was worse than shit, and he didn't dare to let go of half a fart, and his thoughts of running were extinguished.

Kagel was calm and smiled slightly. He had known Gongsun Lin for more than ten years. He had already figured out the little thought in this girl's belly, and sealed all her back paths, and waited to be him. the bride!

Gongsun Lin glared at him angrily, with a murderous aura, she really wanted to kill this dog//Sun!

The phone rang again, it was Gong Yi.

"Don't bully Kager all the time, the girl is a little more elegant, and it's so formal to fight and kill all day long, that is, Kager doesn't despise you anymore, be content with you!"

Gongsun Lin clenched her fists, but she never dared to swing it out, feeling a little aggrieved in her heart.

Is she really that bad?

When she was in school, she was still the school beauties. The men chasing her could line up for miles, but she didn't look down on any of them, and the old man's words were too biased!

"Dear, my grandfather and your grandfather Zeng happened to be together. They found the most famous master in China, and picked an auspicious day, the eighth day of the second lunar month. It is said that the wedding day will be auspicious..." Kagel continued to talk. Gongsun Lin's face became darker and darker.

In the end, she suppressed her scolding words. Gongsun Lin had a dark face. She couldn't scold her if she was beaten or scolded.

There is still a month and a half left on the eighth day of the first month of December. If she thinks of a way when the time comes, she won't be able to jump from the tomb of marriage!



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