Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1869: Depression is a joke

Zou Hanqiu's Mandarin is much worse, he speaks very slowly, but it is still difficult to understand. The accent is too heavy. Ye Qingqing sees that he is struggling to speak, and smiles, "Mr. Zou can speak Cantonese, we can all understand."

"That's good, I'm tired of talking."

Zou Hanqiu let out a long sigh of relief. Mandarin was too difficult to learn, and his tongue could not be bent.

Zhang Zhengrong smiled and said angrily, "I asked you to learn Mandarin a long time ago. Now it's going to hurt your head."

Zou Hanqiu smiled mischievously, "I will learn it slowly in the future. I am getting older and learning new knowledge is too hard to compare with your young people."

"Nonsense, you're only a few years older than me, young people like Miss Ye and the others look so energetic." Zhang Zhengrong pointed at Ye Qingqing jokingly, with envy in his eyes.

There is nothing better than being young. Even if he uses all the wealth he has now, in exchange for his youthful years, he will definitely agree without hesitation.

Money can be earned again, but youth will never come back.

Ye Qingqing looked at Zhang Zhengrong, whose skin was smooth and delicate without any wrinkle, and secretly laughed. This gentleman is famous for his good looks. He is a teenage youth in his forties. Young from the inside out.

"You two are at a good time when you are young and powerful, and you are also at the golden stage of actors. It would be hypocritical to say these words." Ye Qingqing was half-joking.

For an actress, the age of 40 may be a bit too big, and it restricts a lot of acting. There is no way, because the physical conditions are limited, but for an actor, it is the best time.

Acting skills have been honed and temperament has settled down. He can play a father or a son, and his acting career will only get wider and wider.

Zhang Zhengrong and Zou Hanqiu laughed in unison. These words came to their hearts, and they were right. Their acting career is much wider now than when they were young. When they were young, they still had the burden of idols, but now they just want to keep challenging themselves. One classic character after another is left on the screen.

It doesn't matter whether the characters are good or not, it doesn't matter whether they are good people, or even the protagonist. What matters is that they have their own characteristics, so that they can expand their acting skills, break through bottlenecks, and make the audience's eyes shine and their memories remain fresh.

This is what they are after now.

"Miss Ye seems to understand our circle quite well." Zhang Zhengrong was very talkative, which made Ye Qingqing strange.

She thought that people with depression are all introverts, but Zhang Zhengrong looks like a lively, cheerful and naughty big boy, with clear eyes and a childlike innocence. How can such a happy person lose his mind after a few years?

"I usually like to read entertainment magazines when I have nothing to do, and I also like to watch movies. I have watched many of Qiu Ge's movies and TV series, and Rong Ge's a lot."

Ye Qingqing walked and talked with them. The two big names had no pretense, unlike some small stars, who had small wrists but not small airs. After only chatting for a long time, the strangeness disappeared a lot, and they felt as familiar as friends. .

"Beautiful!" Someone walked over, a middle-aged man in his fifties.

He looks ordinary, but his face is shrewd, lean and short, with a heavy Jiangsu and Zhejiang accent, and his eyes are shining. At first glance, he is a successful businessman, and he seems to know Zou Hanqiu and the others.

"Mr. Fan is good."

Zhang Zhengrong and Zou Hanqiu both greeted warmly, Ye Qingqing frowned slightly, for some reason, she didn't feel very good about this President Fan, and she felt a little uncomfortable, but it was a pity that Pippi was not here, and Pippi was promoted during this time. At a critical moment, it went to the deep mountain to retreat, and it can come back if it succeeds in the promotion.


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