Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1916: The child wants to support the parent not present

Ye Qingqing and Lu Mo have arrived in Shengxian County. They drove the winding mountain road for nearly three hours. There are many small villages halfway up the mountain. The smoke is wafting from the cooking. You can also see children playing on the roadside, and old men and women sitting and basking in the sun. , a scene of peace and tranquility.

Although the mountain road was bumpy, Zhang Zhengrong and Zou Hanqiu were in high spirits and always stuck their heads out to look at the scenery. The roadside was full of towering torreya trees, standing on the edge of the cliff, with thick stems and canopies like giant umbrellas.

Zou Hanqiu didn't stop all the way. He is a photography lover. When he saw such a beautiful river and mountains, he couldn't bear it. The sound of clicking the shutter could not stop. Mrs. Zou looked at him like a child, her eyes were as gentle as water. generally.

Because Zou Hanqiu wanted to take pictures and stop and go, it took a lot of time on the road. By the time we got to Shengxian, it was time for lunch. Mrs. Zou’s hometown was in a small town surrounded by mountains, and her old house was halfway there. On the mountainside, relatives of her family lived, and the house became popular. It looked a little old, but it was not damaged, but it was more smokey.

The house is a common large courtyard here. The second-story attic, except that the bottom is brick, the top of the second floor is wood, and the floor of the first floor is a pile of solid soil, which has been stepped on for many years, becoming as hard as concrete. Flat and also reflects light.

There are more than a dozen families in the courtyard, which are surrounded by squares in all directions, and there is a huge open space in the middle. In summer, more than a dozen families will go to the open space to eat with their bowls in their hands. It was ready to eat, very lively.

However, such old-fashioned courtyards are rare now. Small western-style buildings are now built in rural areas, and many old houses have been demolished and rebuilt. However, the government has reserved some of these old houses in order to preserve the history.

Mrs. Zou's family is a big family. The dozens of houses in this large courtyard belonged to her family, and there were hundreds of acres of land at that time. If she hadn't gone to HK early, her family would definitely be unlucky, like Mrs. Zou's few. Uncle suffered because he didn't go out.

There are only ten rooms left in dozens of rooms, and the rest are all distributed to others. There are only two rooms in Mrs. Zou’s house. The parents of Mrs. Zou gave these two rooms to relatives who were in tight housing without charging a penny. , just let them take care of the house.

"Oh... it's still the same as when I was a child, it hasn't changed at all, look... the words on this pillar are still there, decades have passed, and they are still..."

Mrs. Zou had discovered the New World. She pointed at the wooden pillars in the corridor and cried and laughed. Everyone looked closer. There were a lot of characters engraved on it. The handwriting was a little immature.

"Grandpa is a big bad guy, his beard is all gone!"

Zou Hanqiu read it out in a low voice and was overjoyed. Mrs. Zou blushed and explained with a smile, "My grandfather is very strict, he stipulates that children in the family must write three copybooks every day, and they have to write correctly. , I was beaten by my grandfather that day, and I was fined not to eat dinner. My family was eating in the house, and I was punished to stand outside.

Ye Qingqing was also amused. I didn't expect the demure and gentle Mrs. Zou to be so naughty when she was a child!

Zou Hanqiu took a picture of the precious pillar, and patted Mrs. Zou, who was full of tears, on the shoulder, and said softly, "Go to visit grandpa's grave in a while, and tell him that you are doing well now, and that your family is well. very good."

Mrs. Zou nodded vigorously and wiped away her tears. Ziyu was absent. When she was a child, she only thought that her grandfather was too strict. He was an old-fashioned old man, and he was not cute at all. Now she thanks her grandfather for his strictness, which gave her a solid background in classical literature. It's a pity that Ziyu's family is not here. Her biggest regret is that she didn't honor his old man properly!

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