Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1972: code word

After hearing this, Ye Qingqing sank to the bottom, knowing that Xiaotong must be in a bad situation now, because Xiaotong is allergic to mutton, and her whole body will have a lot of rashes and fever, which is very scary.

She didn't know that Xiaotong was allergic to mutton. It is not common for people in Pingjiang to eat mutton. Most of them eat seafood, pork and beef, or poultry and aquatic products. mutton.

Last year, a friend of He Weishao set up a farm around Pingjiang, specializing in raising sheep, and mutton was often seen on the dining table of Ye's family. It was then that Ye Qingqing knew that Xiaotong was allergic to mutton.

The stir-fried and tender mutton is very delicious. At that time, Xiaotong ate a lot, and it broke out at night. He had rubella from head to toe, and he had a high fever. He was sent to the hospital in the middle of the night for an injection, and then it disappeared. After that, Ye Qingqing dared not let Xiaotong again. Eat lamb.

And she also took Xiaotong to the hospital to check for allergens. Fortunately, she was only allergic to fresh mutton, and everything else was fine.

When Xiaotong was allergic, Tiantian was there. She knew very well that Xiaotong could not eat mutton, so when Tiantian said this, she definitely wanted to tell her that Xiaotong had something to do now.

Ye Qingqing suppressed her worries and asked, "Xiaotong really likes to eat mutton. I can rest assured that you and him are all right. Don't be afraid, I will give them what they want, and you can go home immediately."

"Well, don't worry my brother, I'm fine."

"Your brother doesn't know about this. He and Xiaomei went out fishing early in the morning and haven't come back yet. I guess where did they go camping..."

"Time is up, go to the South Gate, within an hour."

Fan Li grabbed the phone, and Ye Qingqing was hung up before she could finish speaking. Although she was worried about Xiaotong, she breathed a sigh of relief. At least Xiaotong and Tiantian were still alive. Now Zhu Zi and Wuchen should be coming soon. !

Ye Qingqing didn't dare to delay, and ran back to the south gate. Lu Mo kept following behind. Although he was distressed, he didn't dare to show his face. He had already thought about how to punish Fan Li.

He must be made to run around the lake in his underpants and underpants until he is exhausted.

Exhausted from running, he finally returned to the South Gate. Ye Qingqing was almost paralyzed, and Fan Li called, "Put the medical scriptures in the flower bed behind the third street lamp on the left, and find out the truth within an hour. Let people go after the fake."

"One-handed medical scriptures and one-handed release..." Ye Qingqing shouted, but the other party hung up again.

She was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood, but Ye Qingqing still did as she did. She put the fake medical scriptures on the street lamp, and she looked around, quietly.

She didn't stop long, left the sports and walked towards the parking alley. Not long after, Lu Mo also came back, carrying one in one hand.

"They are Fan Li's subordinates, and they were ordered to get medical scriptures." Lu Mo explained.

A few minutes after Ye Qingqing left, the two of them emerged from the flower bed. It seemed that they had been in ambush there from the beginning, letting Ye Qingqing run around the park just to test whether the police were following.

"Son of a bitch!"

Ye Qingqing kicked the two of them a few times, and her legs were still sore.

The two of them didn't dare to say a word, their heads drooped, their faces ashen.

The phone rang again. It belonged to these two subordinates. Lu Mo grabbed their throats with his hands and threatened in a cold voice, "Do you know how to respond?"


The two were trembling, and one of them answered the phone with trembling hands. He behaved well and said in a calm tone, "Boss, the book has been obtained, we will be back soon."

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