Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1982: There is always someone coveting the beauty of the prince

It is said that a foreign magazine has ranked the fifth diamond king in the world. Prince Edward, who is only 20 years old, has been in social networking for less than two years, but his ranking has jumped from No. 38 last year to No. 3 this year. .28, which shows how popular he is.

Prince Edward's other brothers are also on the list, but they are all ranked lower, because these brothers are not as handsome as Edward, and their wealth is not as good as Eduardo, because they do not have a mother and wife who can earn money like Princess Luo.

The most important thing is that these brothers are in the line of succession before Edward, and for an ambitious woman like Julie, she will place more importance on the line of succession.

But for most girls, a rich and carefree life is what they yearn for. They have the status of aristocrats, have endless money, and don't have to worry about national affairs. This is the life they yearn for!

Hundreds of times stronger than when the princess of Luo Shizi.

And if you don't have enough emotional intelligence and ability, you can't control the profession of a princess at all. Instead of being laughed at by the world, it is better to be a happy rich and idle person. Many girls think this way, so Edward's popularity, in Above many royal heirs.

Furthermore, Ye Qingqing felt that Edward was actually not suitable for politics, and he had no intention of doing it himself. He preferred the life of Xianyun Yehe, and Princess Luo never thought of letting her son fight for the throne. I don't want my son to be **** for the rest of his life.

"Good morning, are you free to chat now?" Ye Qingqing greeted.

"Of course I'm free, just wait a moment."

Edward stopped, wiped the sweat from his face with a towel, walked to the side to rest, and followed his maid, immediately brought water, and looked at him with admiration. Of course, the maid of the palace is not something ordinary people can do.

It is necessary to have a good appearance and a punctual figure, and must have a high degree of education, at least master a foreign language, and have the ability to deal with emergencies randomly, not just any girl can do it.

Of course, girls who work in the royal family not only have good salaries, but also have a qualitative improvement in their status and status. They are the preferred candidates for many rich peasant sons to marry. They are decent and practical, and have a bright face.

This is similar to the saying of the Chinese saying that it is better to marry a maid than a girl from a small family.

However, there are also some girls whose purpose is not to marry an ordinary wealthy family. They have a longer-term goal. For example, the one who is taking water now has a figure comparable to a supermodel, is proficient in five languages, and graduated from an Ivy League school. Wisdom and beauty coexist A woman, and her ambition, is no less than Julie of the past.

"His Royal Highness, drink some water!" The girl handed over a bottle of water, pure snow water from the top of the Alps, exclusive to the royal family.

Ye Qingqing heard the soft girl's voice. She didn't speak English, it should be Edward's native language. She couldn't understand it, but she could tell that the girl must be young and beautiful, and the voice alone was enough to seduce the soul.

Edward was talking to Ye Qingqing, reaching for the water, but he didn't pay attention to this girl, but——

The water was received, but the back of his hand was slippery and itchy for a while, Edward frowned, not wanting the water, and immediately withdrew his hand, his eyes became stern, "Go to Mrs. Molly to do the formalities yourself! "

It's so annoying, there will always be some unknown women sneaking into the palace, coveting his beauty!

Good heart plug!

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