Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 2040: To torture the scum by hand

"Catherine, don't go!"

Kagel chased after him, looking anxious. The wedding was going to be held tomorrow, and he didn't want to make a mistake. As for Gongsun Yao, he had other arrangements. After the wedding, Gongsun Lin didn't need to do it himself.

But Gongsun Lin still rushed forward fiercely, murderous, and had reached the stairs. Ye Qingqing was the first to react and rushed over to stop her. Ruan Yingzi and Tiya also recovered, and the three stopped Gongsun Lin. .

"Don't stop me if it's my friend, I'm going to kill that stinky watch!"

Gongsun Lin roared angrily, her voice was still crying, and her eyes were red. It had been seven years, she had been murdered by this **** Gongsun Yao for seven years. In these seven years, she had never forgotten Kager. On the surface, she was clamoring for feminism. Doctrine, saying that men are optional, and she does not plan to marry in her life.

But in fact, she knows best that these words are all self-deception and a perfect excuse to cover up her feelings. The only way to avoid blind date arrangements by relatives and elders is to have a reason not to develop new relationships.

In the end, she still can't get out of her first love.

Until now, Gongsun Lin has completely understood her own feelings. She has never forgotten this relationship, and she has always loved Kagel. Ye Qingqing is right. It is precisely because she still loves that she will marry along the way, otherwise The sky is big, she can hide anywhere.

But even though she agreed to get married, Gongsun Lin still couldn't forget the scene in the dressing room seven years ago.

Every time after being sweet with Kagel, this scene always pops up, piercing her heart hard, as if to remind her—

"Look, you're not the only woman in this man. Maybe one day you'll be on your bed with him and see him rolling with other women..."

Gongsun Lin forced herself not to think about it. She tried her best to think about the good things, the good of Kager, and looked forward to a happy future, but in the dead of night, the shadows would still hit her. During this time, she was always tangled and worried. Uneasy and afraid to devote all my emotions.

But now she finally understands that the person who really stabbed her was Gongsun Yao, who used to be her cousin like her own sister.

Ye Qingqing saw that she was agitated now and did not dare to say anything to irritate her, so she softly persuaded: "Tomorrow you are going to get married. What's going on will be discussed tomorrow. Seeing blood before the wedding is not auspicious."

Gongsun Lin stopped in her footsteps, her expression loosened, Ye Qingqing was secretly happy, as long as she still cared about the wedding, it would be easy.

"Gongsun Yao didn't go back so soon. You want to teach her not to be in a hurry now. Don't affect your once-in-a-lifetime wedding because of this kind of person. It's not worth it. When the wedding is over, we will help you teach her a lesson." Ye Qingqing promised.

Speaking of which, she and Gongsunyao also had a little bit of a festival, that is, at that dance, although the mastermind was Julie, Gongsunyao was also an accomplice, jumping up and down like a clown. But small punishments are still necessary.

Otherwise, this woman really thinks that everyone else is a fool!

Cagle ran over and said solemnly, "Don't worry, as long as the wedding is over, I will definitely teach Joanna a lesson, I promise you."

"How are you going to teach her a lesson?" Gongsun Lin asked back.

Cagle smiled mysteriously, "You'll know then, it won't make her comfortable, dear."


Gongsun Lin rolled her eyes, she had calmed down, listened to Ye Qingqing's advice, and let that **** have another day of happiness.

She still didn't give up the idea of ​​teaching Gongsun Yao by herself. It's better to do it by herself, and she doesn't quite believe in Kagel——

"Don't take pity on Xiangxiyu when the time comes!"


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