Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 2079: Show off

Ye Mingcheng called the old lady after dinner, and said about the group going to Wo country during the Chinese New Year. Gu Nianci was reluctant, she didn't want to go anywhere, she just wanted to stay at home honestly.

"What are you doing out for the New Year's Eve? Qingqing is a real girl. She runs outside all year round and even goes out during the New Year."

Ye Mingcheng pressed the speakerphone, Gu Nianci's voice came out, Ye Qingqing heard it clearly, and couldn't help but flatten his mouth.

Her grandmother should live in the old society, marrying her husband and teaching her son every day, being reprimanded by her mother-in-law, and then arranging a maid for her husband, and she has to take the initiative to take a concubine.

This kind of life is what Gu Nianci likes. Now, in an enlightened society where men and women are equal and free, Gu Nianci can't keep up.

"Grandma, why did I get in your way when I ran out? If you don't want to go out, just stay at home, and I'll save money!" Ye Qingqing couldn't help but go back, she didn't want to be an angry girl.

If you are unhappy, you will fight, and so will your grandma.

Moreover, she is helping Gu Nianci to exercise her brain, so as not to degenerate into Alzheimer's disease. Haven't you seen that Gu Nianci has been arguing with her recently, and she has become more energetic!

"I'll say one sentence, ten sentences, just like you, which man can stand it..." Gu Nianci scolded angrily. In fact, she was worried that Ye Qingqing would suffer after her marriage.

Although she always dislikes Ye Qingqing here and there, but she sincerely hopes that her only granddaughter will live a happy life, so she always dislikes Ye Qingqing, but she does not know that the times are progressing, and her set is outdated .

"My family's Lu Mo likes me. Grandma, you are so worried about eating radishes, brother... Am I right?" Ye Qingqing winked at Lu Mo.

Lu Mo's face became hot, and he peeled a shrimp and handed it over, "Talk to grandma."

This girl always makes Gu Nianci jump with anger, so naughty!

Just after Lu Mo's hand ate the shrimp, Ye Qingqing winked again and whispered, "I'm helping her to activate her brain."

The corners of Lu Mo's mouth twitched. What kind of absurdity is this? But it's true that Gu Nianci's spirit is getting better and better recently. Compared with the desolation and desolation he used to sell fried rice cakes, now Gu Nianci is at least fifteen years younger. Much darker.

The old lady also signed her up for the senior model class. Gu Nianci was shy and refused to go a few times before, but now she doesn't fail in every game. She is more active than anyone else, and her mental state is getting better and better. She is a beautiful embryo with an elegant temperament. Now she is in a good mood As soon as it was good, he immediately became a flower of the model team. When he performed on stage, Gu Nianci was always the most dazzling one.

There are even many single old men who always revolve around Gu Among them, there are professors, doctors, company bosses, and even foreigners... It is very interesting.

But they were all rejected by Gu Nianci, and she would never find another man in her life.

Gu Nianci didn't expect Lu Mo to be there, she whispered a few words, and then said nothing. The old lady was very interested in going out to play, and Sang Wanhua was also a lively person. The minority obeyed the majority, and the decision was made.

"Stay at home if you don't want to go, let's go out casually." Sang Wanhua said deliberately.

Gu Nianci's heart was itching, and she was a little moved. She hadn't even been out of the country yet, and she was almost seventy years old. One year later, if she didn't go out for a walk, she would be unwilling to think about it.

But when she ran out for the new year, she felt frustrated and tangled.

The old lady smiled and fluttered over a sentence, "Last time, who was the surnamed Wang from your model team, didn't you show off in front of you and went to HK to play, saying that it was the daughter and son-in-law who paid and went to HK to play. It's been a few days, but her ability is almost gone to the sky, and she also said that you are the frog who sits and watches the sky..."

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