Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 209: forbearance

Ye Lan and Shen Yanhong's mother and daughter had a heart-to-heart bond. She could see Shen Yanhong's thoughts, so she cried and replied, "Well, I'll go to work tomorrow, and I'll work hard."

"Well, let's get used to it first, and then I'll find a way to assign you an easy job." Ye Zhiguo had a smile on his face.

"Thank you Dad." Ye Lan thanked in a low voice.

The old lady gouged out her eyes fiercely, and was going to tell her son in private later that the easy work would definitely not make much money, so let Ye Lan work in the leather shoe factory.

In the evening, Shen Yanhong went to Ye Lan's room. Ye Lan had no intention of reading romance novels, she was lying on the bed feeling sad, she couldn't help crying when she saw Shen Yanhong, I felt pity.

"Mom, Ye Qingqing and the old woman talked for a long time during the day. Ye Qingqing must have said about the leather shoe factory. I don't want to go to work..." Ye Lan hated and was sad.

She now hopes that Lu Qingquan is by her side. With Lu Qingquan there, he will definitely find a way to rescue her from her misery!

Unlike Ye Zhiguo and Shen Yanhong, they would only make her compromise and not consider her at all!

Shen Yanhong gritted her teeth with hatred, she knew that there must be something about that dead girl. Recently, this dead girl has the backing of a dead old woman, and she has become more and more arrogant, and now she even hits Laner!

There is no reason for this!

"Your dad is angry today. Mom can't say much. Laner, you have been wronged for a few days. Mom will try to convince your dad." Shen Yanhong persuaded.

Ye Lan complained to herself that she didn't want to stay in that ghostly place of the leather shoe factory for a day, but now there is really no other way than to go to work!

"Mom...Why doesn't my father recognize me and Xiaohua? The dead old woman calls us wild animals every day. I feel so bad...If she knew about me and Xiaohua's background, she would never have done this to me..."

The more Ye Lan thought about it, the more aggrieved she became. She was obviously a real daughter, but now she can only be a maid. Tomorrow, she has to work as a hard worker in a leather shoe factory. Her life is a hundred times harder than Cinderella's.

Shen Yanhong sighed, "Your father is not allowed to tell, and Mom can't help it. Laner will endure it for another three years. After three years, our family will be able to live a good life."

Ye Lan lowered her head, hiding her contempt for Shen Yanhong, she would only endure it every time, but she was the one who suffered, and she had no ability at all.

A mother like Xu Yali, even if she dies, she will leave Ye Qingqing a fortune that will never be spent in her entire life. Her mother can only cook and do housework, and she can't do anything else if she is patient!

She really doesn't want to bear it any longer!

She's had enough of these days!

"I know, I will endure it, Mom, Brother Qingquan will be back the day after tomorrow." Ye Lan's tone was calm, and she could not see that she was already roaring in her heart.

Shen Yanhong was very surprised, but more of a surprise, "It's good to be back, let Lu Qingquan clean up the dead girl, the dead girl listens to him the most."

Ye Lan responded, she thought so too.

But as long as she thinks that she has to go to that ghostly place in the leather shoe factory tomorrow, Ye Lan's whole body is not well. She can't stay in that ghostly place for even a minute!

Early the next morning, the old lady woke up Ye Lan and Ye Qingqing, who were sleeping late, and gave them a feather duster by the way, but they did not favor one over the other, and treated them fairly.

"Go to work after breakfast, Qingqing, you have washed your clothes!" The old lady reassigned the task, scaring Ye Qingqing to the point of sleeplessness.

What the hell...she didn't expect that when Ye Lan went to work, this bitch's job would not be her turn!

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