Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 211: Mayor calls

"Yes, the old lady has something to tell you." Xiao Li gave the old lady the microphone.

Ye Qingqing is even more strange, what is the old lady doing with her?

"Qingqing girl, that's what happened. I'll contact you at Angel's school. I'm lucky. The person in charge of that school is friends with my daughter-in-law. They heard about Xiaotong's talent and were very interested. Xiaotong test it.

If you pass the test, Xiaotong's tuition can be waived, and you only need to pay living expenses. You take Xiaotong to the school at ten o'clock in the morning to find a teacher Gao, and he will receive you. "

The old lady said things slowly and slowly, just like a trivial matter.

Ye Qingqing was stunned for a long time before she regained her senses. A warm current surged up and she couldn't help choking, "Thank you, Grandma Sheng, I...I..."

I don't know how to say thank you, no matter what, I can't express her gratitude.

She just mentioned it casually that day, but the old lady quietly did it. If you just pay for living expenses, it only costs 500 yuan a month, even Ye Zhiguo can afford it.

The old lady smiled kindly, "It's just a small matter, and it's also Xiaotong's good luck, it just so happens that my daughter-in-law knows the person in charge there, otherwise I wouldn't be able to do this, and I have to thank you, girl, for eating you. After taking the medicine, my appetite has improved a lot!"

The reason why Sun Qiuyun is willing to help is also for the sake of those pills.

The old lady's physical condition has obviously changed after taking the medicine. She can walk slowly for ten minutes. Sang Huaiyuan and his wife are very grateful to Ye Qingqing, but it is not difficult for them to go to school. .

"Then I won't say thank you, I'll keep it in my heart, and I'll see you when I'm busy."

Ye Qingqing and the old lady chatted a few words, hung up the phone, and planned to look for medical classics to see if there were any health-preserving medicines that could increase resistance, and give Sang Huaiyuan some. Mayor, there must be a lot of work to do.

It is unrealistic to ask Sang Huaiyuan to reduce his workload, so he can only recuperate his body.

"Qingqing, how did you and Mayor Sang know each other?" Ye Zhiguo asked in surprise, but his heart started to move.

The mayor is much older than the factory. If he can get acquainted with the mayor, he might even be transferred to the Public Security Bureau!

Originally, he changed his career back then and was fully qualified to go to the Public Security Bureau, but it was because he had nothing to do, so he went to Qianjin Machinery Factory. Although now he is doing well in the factory and earning a lot of money, Ye Zhiguo still wanted to go to the Public Security Bureau.

In the machinery factory, he was the head of the security section, and he couldn't see the future, but it was different when he went to the Public Security Bureau. With his ability to drill into the camp, it was easy to get a small cadre.

Ye Qingqing saw through Ye Zhiguo's careful thinking at a glance, but this is also good, it can make Ye Zhiguo more fearful, let's pretend to be a tiger for a while!

"I know Mayor Sang's mother. Grandma Sheng is very hospitable, and she often asks me to play at her house." Ye Qingqing watched Ye Zhiguo's changing expression, sneered secretly, and said, "Grandma Sheng helped Xiaotong contact Angel's school, and after a while I will take Xiaotong to the test, if he can pass, Xiaotong's tuition can be waived, and he only needs to pay living expenses."

Ye Zhiguo was also helping Ye Tong to contact the special school during this time. Of course, he had heard of Angela's name. The annual tuition and living expenses were less than 10,000 yuan, and he couldn't afford it.

But if he only needs living expenses, he can barely handle it.

Moreover, the mayor's wife has come forward. He can't let the mayor down!

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