Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 220: housekeeper

Ye Qingqing listened to Lu Mo's words, no longer called Ye Tong, and let him study the chessboard quietly by himself.

Time passed, and Ye Qingqing had already eaten two popsicles. When she wanted to eat a third one, Lu Mo stopped her and said in a sullen voice, "You can't eat any more, just drink water when you're thirsty."

Lu Mo's ears were a little red. He remembered the book "Friends of Women" that he read at Sang's house. Although he fled in a panic that day, he still caught a few words, one of which was that girls should eat less iced drinks in summer, and eat more. cause dysmenorrhea.

Ye Qingqing usually eats a lot of popsicles. If she can eat five or six sticks a day, it will definitely hurt her body. This girl doesn't pay attention to her body at all. He will have to mention it to his mother in the future and ask Lin Shufang to remind this girl not to treat the popsicles as eat.

"I only ate two, but I didn't quench my thirst!" Ye Qingqing was unhappy and pouted.

"Drink water!"

Lu Mo's ears turned even redder, but his face became more woody. He simply pressed against the refrigerator door, preventing Ye Qingqing from holding the ice pops.

"The housekeeper!"

Ye Qingqing glared at him angrily, so she obediently went to drink the herbal tea, staring while drinking, Lu Mo turned a blind eye, just pretended not to see.


Ye Tong finally moved, with a look of joy and bright eyes, as if he wanted to understand.

Ye Qingqing happily ran over, sneering and asking, "Do you want Xiaotong to eat popsicles?"

"Play this, brother-in-law!"

Ye Tong had no interest in eating popsicles, and only had the chessboard in his eyes, looking at Lu Mo with hope.

Lu Mo secretly complained, this is not over, he is not afraid of playing chess, but he is afraid of losing.

Of course, it wasn't that he couldn't afford to lose, but he just didn't want to lose in front of Ye Qingqing, and he always felt that the meeting was dull.

But looking at Ye Tong's clear and soft eyes, Lu Mo couldn't bear to refuse, so he had to continue. This time he took longer and used a more complicated method to defeat Ye Tong with difficulty.

Lu Mo breathed a sigh of relief and wiped his sweat secretly.

Finally, I didn't lose face in front of that girl!

He glanced at Ye Tong, who was still in a daze, and was secretly startled. Ye Tong is like a sponge that has been dehydrated, jumping into the ocean of Go, madly absorbing water, no matter how much he sucks, he can't get enough.

"Xiaotong is indeed more suitable for learning Go, that teacher Gao is right." Lu Mo said.

Ye Qingqing was still a little worried, but when Lu Mo said the same, he immediately put it down without any hesitation.

"Mr. Gao also asked me to take Xiaotong to participate in competitions often, saying that as long as he becomes famous, the master of Go will come to him automatically."

Lu Mo nodded in agreement, "Yes, you can improve your level by participating in the competition, but Xiaotong is not qualified yet, so he has to compete with others."

"Then you can accompany him, don't you know?" Ye Qingqing smiled flatteringly.

Lu Mo shook his head, "I can't do it alone, and my level is limited, so I have to let Xiaotong compete with more masters."

He thought about it for a while, and then said: "Tomorrow I will take you to the chess club. Although there are amateur players there, there are many masters."


Ye Qingqing raised her eyebrows and smiled, she knew that Lu Mo must have a solution. It seemed that there was nothing that would make it difficult to live in Lu Mo. In the last household registration book, this time Ye Tong learned Go, as long as she had difficulties, Lu Mo could easily solve it.

"you are great!"

Ye Qingqing gave Lu Mo a thumbs up, and his eyes were adoring and warm. Lu Mo's heart skipped a beat and glanced over his head, but the corners of his lips rose slightly, with a smile in his eyes.

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