Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 225: Yelan was returned

Ye Qingqing didn't know that the old lady would have so many little Jiujiu in her heart. Since the old lady doesn't like traveling, then give her money to spend in the future, do whatever she wants!

Just because the old lady is protecting her and Xiaotong now, Ye Qingqing is willing to honor the old lady.

"Grandma, how much money do you think Ye Lan earned today?" Ye Qingqing rolled her eyes and ran to the kitchen to chat with the old lady, deliberately mentioning Ye Lan and the banknotes that the old lady was most interested in.

The old lady's hand picking vegetables paused, her face thoughtful, "Is the leather shoe factory closing soon? When Ye Lan comes back, go and ask Zhao Di."


Ye Qingqing thought so too. In fact, she didn't need to ask Zhao Di to know that Ye Lan would definitely not make much money, but she didn't expect Ye Lan to make money at all, she just wanted to see Ye Lan suffer.

"Is Grandma Ye at home?" A voice sounded in the yard, which sounded familiar.

Ye Qingqing and the old lady rushed out at the same time. It was Zhao Di. She was followed by Ye Lan who was timid. Her eyes were red and swollen, her white shirt was full of stains, her face was also dirty, and her hands were more scars.

"Sister Zhao Di, take a seat in the room." Ye Qingqing greeted warmly.

"I'm not going in. I have to go to work in a while. I'll leave after I tell you what happened."

Zhao Di was in a dilemma, and after hesitating for a while, she glanced at Ye Lan and said, "That's what happened. Our lady boss asked me to tell you that Ye Lan doesn't have to go to work tomorrow."

"Don't have to go to work? Why?" The old lady jumped in a hurry.

Zhao Di glanced at Ye Lan again, and said euphemistically, "Ye Lan doesn't talk about her slow hands and feet, and she loves cleanliness very much. Our leather shoe factory is too dirty and tiring. Ye Lan can't bear to do it."

The old lady understood as soon as she heard it, her eyes flashed fiercely, and she looked at Ye Lan fiercely. It must be this little **** who refused to work hard. It would be strange if the proprietress liked it!

Just like the former landlord, Lao Cai, no one likes a lazy long-term worker. For a diligent worker like her, everyone is rushing to invite her to work, and it's too late.

"Sister Zhaodi, talk to the proprietress and give Ye Lan another chance, okay?" Ye Qingqing said good things, but she didn't want Ye Lan to come back and enjoy her happiness, at least she had to work in the shoe factory for a year and a half. Scrub this bitch.

Zhao Di shook her head again and again and said unhappily, "Ye Lan didn't talk about her work today, and she also damaged a few tools. It was me and the proprietress who talked nicely, so that Ye Lan didn't lose money, and I can bear the burden of letting Ye Lan continue to work. No responsibility."

She paused for a while, and then said, "Yelan in the leather shoe factory is really not suitable. Why don't you find her a light job? I'll go to work first."

After saying that, Zhao Di left in a hurry, and disappeared after a while.

Ye Qingqing frowned. If the shoe factory couldn't continue, where else could Ye Lan go?

Bai Xia lost two catties of snacks and a bottle of soju, and it cost more than ten yuan!

"Grandma, Ye Lan is so useless. She didn't earn any money, and even broke all the tools in the factory. Fortunately, Sister Di has a big face, otherwise we would have to lose money."

Ye Qingqing deliberately fanned the flames and burned several pots of oil on the old lady's head. The fire rushed up, and the old lady's eyes became fiercer.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ye Lan clasped her arms tightly and pleaded crying, "Grandma, I've worked... You see my hands are broken and there is a lot of blood..."

She stretched out her scarred hand. There were several blood openings on the originally tender white hand, and black paint penetrated into the wrinkles of the skin. In just one day, Ye Lan's hand immediately disappeared from Miss Qianjin's slender hand. Become the glorious hand of the laborers.


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