Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 235: shameless

Lu Qingquan's heart stabbed, his eyes flashed unwillingness, and his desire to join the special team became stronger.

It's been like this since childhood. The old man only has Lu Mo in his heart. No matter what Lu Mo does, he is the best, but what he does is wrong. He is only one day younger than Lu Mo, and he is not worse than Lu Mo at all.

But the old man always asked him to learn from Lu Mo, and said that he could be half as sensible as Lu Mo.

Lu Qingquan had listened to this countless times, and his ears were full of calluses, and his desire to prove himself became stronger and stronger.

It's a pity that there was no good opportunity before, this time finally let him wait!

"Really, I just went to the mountain to participate in the selection training, and the results were not bad. I will participate in the next round of training in two months. Before I came, I talked to the leaders. It sounds like there is a high possibility of being selected."

Lu Qingquan spoke with seriousness and sincerity.

In fact, he really felt that way, and what he said was a little more euphemistic.

As long as Lu Mo's legs are still crippled, the leader of the army will always take care of him, and his future road to Qingyun will definitely skyrocket.

Lu Mo frowned slightly. He was in the same army as Lu Qingquan, and he knew very well the quality of this cousin's individual soldier. With Lu Qingquan's ability, it was absolutely impossible for him to pass the first round of the special team selection training.

How could there be a chance to advance to the next round?

"Have you received a notice to enter the second round of training?" Lu Mo asked in a deep voice.

Disdain flashed in Lu Qingquan's eyes, but his expression was very respectful, "Yes, we will meet in two months."

"How was your ranking in the first round of training?" Lu Mo asked again.

Lu Qingquan's eyes flickered, his expression a little unnatural, and he said vaguely, "The middle..."

"What is this ranking? What is the exact number?" The old man sank his face, and the soldiers had to speak quickly and accurately. One was one, two was two, and he was absolutely not allowed to say such words as "maybe".

Lu Qingquan complained to himself, so he could only say, "Number 28."

The old man frowned. Lu Mo was the first in every competition, and he never won the second place. Lu Qingquan was better, he ran to twenty-eight!

Lin Shufang smiled and said, "It's not bad, Qingquan has made great progress. I remember he used to be the last name!"

The reason why the old man disliked Lu Qingquan was because Lu Qingquan always ranked first from the bottom in every team competition and never won the second from the bottom.

As steady as Lu Mo!

The old man's expression softened a lot, the eldest daughter-in-law is right, anyway, he has made progress!

"Yes, practice hard, and strive to improve a few places in the second round." The old man encouraged.

He had no hope at all that Lu Qingquan could be selected into the special team. How could it be so easy to enter the special team?

Every time I can make a little progress, the old man is very satisfied. After all, not everyone is as strong as Lu Mo!

"Grandpa, don't worry, I will definitely join the special team and win glory for the Lu family!" Lu Qingquan breathed a sigh of relief, and the slogan sounded smoothly.

Lu Mo frowned slightly. The current army is very different from before. It's normal for the old man to not understand, but he is very clear that the number of people selected by the special team for training is usually around 30 in the first round.

Generally, there are no more than thirty, and Lu Qingquan's twenty-eight is most likely the last.

There was no progress at all.

Lu Mo looked at the happy old man, but in the end he didn't say anything. It was rare for grandpa to be so happy.

Tie Dan has always had a black face and felt resentful in his heart, but he was as black as charcoal, and he couldn't tell whether he had a black face or not, but Lu Mo could feel it. Be cautious.

Ye Qingqing listened a few times in the yard, but she was so angry that she had never seen such a shameless person.

"Put this grandson, the old man, shameless..." Pippi muttered to the side.

He--mother's shameless than the most shameless cuckoo bird!

Better than beasts!

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