Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 2353: I didn't cry when I saw the coffin

Li Xiuxiu shook the paper and showed it in front of everyone. Li Shanxing's heart skipped a beat, and she had a bad premonition.

Someone came closer and read it.

"Because of Li Shanxing's moral corruption, serious violation of the school's rules and regulations, contracted syphilis, and also had an abortion, infecting the students in the same dormitory, causing extremely bad influence, the school decided to expel Li Shanxing, hereby announced. !"

"Oh, I was fired, it's a shame!"

"That's right, we've lost all face in our village. The eldest girl's family is unmarried and sleeping with a man, and she still has an abortion. It's shameless."


The villagers talked a lot and looked at Li Shanxing's family with contempt.

Li Shanxing's face turned pale, her lips trembled, her body trembled, and she was shaky. Aunt Xu stepped forward to support her, her face was also ugly, and she felt more resentment against Li Xiuxiu in her heart. This was to force her family to a dead end. what!

"You want to splash my family's mountain apricot with dirty water when you get a fake document, there's no way!" Li Shanxing's father had a livid face and refused to admit it.

The villager who read the announcement before said loudly: "This has the school's official seal on it, how could it be fake, it's just that your Shan Xing is messing around outside, don't hide it any more."

"That's right, such a big official seal, how could it be fake." The other villagers nodded one after another, even more contempt for the Li Shanxing family.

Others don't cry when they see the coffin. This family doesn't cry when they see the coffin. Li Xiuxiu's words are clear in black and white, so they can't help but quibble.

Li Shanxing's father's eyes were gloomy, and he thought to himself, "This official seal is black or not, it must be fake, the official seals on the documents I read are all red stamps, I have never seen black ones, and the official seals of our village are all red. , how can there be a black official seal, don't be deceived by Li Xiuxiu!"

"That's right, the official seal should be red. What's with the black one?"

The villagers were easily led to the rhythm again, and looked at Li Xiuxiu suspiciously.

However, there are still people who understand. It is the village chief. He also rushed over after hearing the news. After all, he has seen a little world of the village chief, and he is against Li Xiuxiu and Li Shanxing. If he used to hesitate to help Which one.

After all, Li Shanxing is also a promising person. It's hard to say what will happen in the future, but now the village chief doesn't have to think about it, he is on Li Xiuxiu's side.

Li Shanxing has been expelled from the school, and her reputation has been ruined. What else can she do? Even if she marries an old bachelor in the village, everyone still thinks Li Shanxing is dirty!

"This is a photocopy. It's just like this. How could Xiuxiu bring out the original from the school? If she takes out the red-stamped document, it might be fake. This is true." speak out loud.

With the village chief's testimony, the villagers' suspicions disappeared immediately, and they looked at Li Shanxing's family with contempt.

"Xiu Xiu Niang is right, your family is really ungrateful, they borrowed so much money for you to go to college, and you poured dirty water on Xiu Xiu's head, Shan Xing really didn't see that this child had so much heart, I watched it when I was a child. Still dumbfounded."

"It's just like a dog. A dog that barks happily doesn't bite. Usually, a dog who is silent and looks at honesty is the worst, but suddenly comes out and bites you. I think Li Shanxing is this kind of slack dog. "

"Yes, that's what happened. Who would dare to come and go with this kind of people? Maybe they will bite you in the back at any time!"


The villagers talked a lot and made up their minds to stay away from the Li Shanxing family.

Li Shanxing had a headache from anger. She didn't expect that Li Xiuxiu would go to school to adjust papers. This woman's heart is too poisonous.

"Anyway, I'm not wrong. Li Xiuxiu is just messing around outside, and she's also infected. If you have the ability, you can ask her to go to the hospital for a check-up to see if she dares to go!" Li Shanxing decided to divert her attention.

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