Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 2368: deceived

"The landlord said that her surname is Xu, or maybe Xu. Her Mandarin is not standard, and she speaks the local dialect. I'm not too sure." An Hong said.

Ye Qingqing's heart skipped a beat. If the surname was Xu, it wouldn't be Xu Yuetuan, right?

Hu Laosan was eating in prison, while his son Hu Zhiwei was hanging around outside. She and Hu Zhihong were indeed the only ones living at home, and the Hu family also had two rooms.

"Is that landlord tall and strong?"

"Yes, yes, it doesn't look like they get along well, but in fact, the auntie is not bad." An Hong nodded.

Ye Qingqing can be sure that An Hong's good-looking landlord is Xu Yuetuan, whom Fuai passers-by dislikes. Such a person's house cannot be rented. She was about to remind that the restaurant proprietress had brought food.

"Eat first, and I'll talk to you later."

Ye Qingqing put the food on the table. The portion of the food is quite large, and the taste is also very good. The boss also sent an extra plate of spicy fried fusilli, saying that she invited her classmates to eat it.

"Thank you auntie, I'll send the plate back."

"Don't worry, if you don't have enough food, add more!"

The proprietress left with a smile. She likes old customers like the Ye family. She never cares about money, and she is good at talking.

"Hurry up and finish all the dishes."

Ye Qingqing took a rice bowl, filled some rice for Ye Mingcheng, and then took some of each dish and sent it out for him to eat.

"Don't be polite. Eat more vegetables and eat less, or else you'll have to throw them away. My family doesn't eat overnight vegetables." Ye Qingqing said this deliberately, lest Qian Manduo and An Hong would not dare to eat more.

She knew that Qian Manduo had a lot of food, and these dishes were no problem for her.

When Qian Manduo heard that he was about to throw it away, he ate the vegetables faster. He secretly thought that the people in the city were a waste. Her family couldn't eat such a good dish during the Chinese New Year, so she was willing to throw it away.

It didn't take long for a large table to be eaten up, and the food was gone. Ye Qingqing didn't eat much by herself. The weather was hot and her appetite was always bad. Qian Manduo and An Hong looked thin and small, and they had an appetite. All good.

Ye Qingqing cleaned the table and said, "You can't rent that house. The landlord has a son. The room you rented is her son's. She's not at home now, but the ghost knows when she will come back. That son is a rogue. You two are young and beautiful, it's not safe to live in the past."

Qian Manduo's expression was relatively calm, but An Hong's face turned pale with fright, and her lips trembled, "Really... a gangster? But the landlord's aunt said there was no man at home."

"She lied to you. Her husband is in prison and should be released soon. That woman is also a shrew, and her daughter is also a gangster. Her hands and feet are not clean. In short, their family is the cancer of our alley. If you want to rent a house in this area, I will help you get in touch, there are many vacant houses."

An Hong looked annoyed, "I... I've already paid the deposit. I paid 80 yuan, and the rest will be paid in a month. What can I do now, will she refund the money?"

She planned to live for a long time, so she was very satisfied with the house, so she paid the first month's rent. She didn't expect to be deceived. The 80 yuan was saved by her frugality, enough to buy a lot of postgraduate materials. .

An Hong's eyes are red with anxiety. Although her family's conditions are better than full money, she is also a poor household. Eighty yuan is a huge sum of money for her. She hates herself for being so gullible, and now she is losing money. That's a lot of money, alas!

: . :

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