Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 2642: Children's world is not simple

"Boiled meat, stewed meat, what else do you do besides stewing meat? Xiaohu has let you feed him. Look, look, this is Xiaohu's medical checklist. He has diabetes at the age of six. Can……"

Xiaohu's mother took out the medical report and handed it to the old lady. She couldn't say the word "death", but tears flowed down her eyes. If something happened to her son, she wouldn't be able to live.

"If you don't leave, will you still stay and harm my son?"

Xiaohu's mother was hoarse, anxious, angry and sad all day... Her reason had already collapsed. Although she knew that her mother did not do it intentionally, it was all caused by ignorance, and she herself had to take the main responsibility, but she couldn't help but get angry.

In fact, this part of the anger is largely due to Andy, Xiaohu's mother vented all her resentment towards her nephew on her own mother.

The neighbors who were onlookers were shocked. They thought that Xiaohu's mother was wrong, how could she yell at the elders, but now they understand her.

A six-year-old child has diabetes, and any mother will be angry.

The old lady was also startled when she heard the diabetes, her face turned gray, and she murmured: "I...I don't know. Xiaohu likes to eat meat, so I stew it. How can I get sick after eating meat, how do I know..."

Xiaohu's father patted his wife's shoulder and said calmly: "It's nothing to do with you, it's our dereliction of duty as parents, it's not your fault, the reason why you always bring Andy back to live is because Xiaohu wants to lose weight during this time. What you eat must be strictly controlled, and you don’t eat snacks at all, you can’t control it, and living at home will also affect Xiaohu’s weight loss, so I let you go back, don’t think about it.”

Others nodded, this son-in-law is still rational, and his words are reasonable, not to mention children, even adults can't hold on to losing weight, and they must be strictly controlled.

Ye Qingqing only watched for a while and then went back to the house. Xiaohu's father was calm and courageous. He was indeed a self-made boss. Xiaohu should get better soon.

The next day, Lin Shufang came back from grocery shopping and talked to Ye Qingqing about the Xiaohu family, "We moved out, Xiaohu's father personally sent them away, and there were boxes of drinks and snacks at home, and Xiaohu's parents also gave them all. People, and give the pig a big bag of beef jerky!"

Lin Shufang picked up the beef jerky in her hand and shook it. Ye Qingqing took it and took it apart. It is a big brand in China. It tastes good, but the price is really expensive.

A few days have passed, and life is as usual, every day is like a day, but Xiaohu's mother does what she says, picks up her son every day, and does it herself. In the morning, Lin Shufang often sees her when she goes shopping for vegetables. I haven't seen her in years.

When Lu Mo went for a run in the morning, he also met Xiaohu's father. The couple worked together to help their son lose weight, and his life was more regular than before.

Xiaohu, Xiaojie, and Xiaozhu also became friends and played together at school, while Andy was isolated. Xiaohu was warned by his parents not to play with his cousin, and Xiaozhu and Xiaojie would not play with his cousin. nasty people play.

It was because they found that Andy's family was a pseudo-rich, his father was not a gold lawyer at all, and he didn't have a villa, and the house he lived in was still owned by Xiaohu's family.

The world of children is not so simple, they will compare and crowd out.

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