The latest website: The days gradually returned to calm, but Xiaohu's grandmother came a few times to beg for her son. Xiaohu's mother did what she said, and the next day she really called people to chase people. The furniture and electrical appliances were all there before, Andy The family only had some clothes and sundries, and Xiaohu's mother had them thrown out, and the locks were changed at that time.

If you find a part-time worker to clean up, you can rent it out from the intermediary.

Andy's family temporarily rented a small house, and the rent in Pingjiang was terrifying. , they asked Xiaohu's grandma to come to intercede. They thought that Xiaohu's mother was just a temporary anger, and they could pass by with a few good words.

But this time, Xiaohu's mother is really cruel. In fact, her husband has also had opinions in recent years. Occasionally, she will complain a few words, and she will block her back. She starts a business together with her husband and suffers as much, so she is righteous. .

But now she doesn't want to raise a white-eyed wolf anymore, and she doesn't want to divorce her husband.

Grandma Xiaohu was forcibly sent back to the country by her, and let her father take care of her. She can live at home with peace of mind. She receives 500 yuan a month for living expenses, and she also asks her father to keep the money. Helping the white-eyed wolf family, her father can't eat anything.

Ye Qingqing was counting the days. She sealed Andy's key points with silver needles. The qi and blood would slowly flow back to the brain, and the results would be seen after seven days.

Seven days passed in a flash, and Ye Qingqing finally got the news that Andy's high fever did not go away for three days. The situation was very bad, and he was hospitalized. Andy's parents had no money, so they came to Xiaohu's mother to borrow money.

"Are you saying I want to borrow it?"

In the evening, Xiaohu's mother discussed with her husband, and she hesitated.

"If you ask like this, it means you want to borrow it, and I know you can't be ruthless." Xiaohu's father sneered. He had already seen through his wife's mind. He spoke ruthlessly, but his heart was very soft.

Xiaohu's mother couldn't bear it. Seven days ago, she vowed to cut off relations with this family. Now she is thinking about borrowing money. No wonder her husband is not happy, but after all, it is a life, and she always feels unbearable.

"Actually... I think it's because God couldn't see it, so he punished Andy." Xiaohu's father suddenly said a sentence, but after saying it, he felt more and more like this.

"Think about it, how can the high fever continue for no reason? In the past, Andy was often sick. No matter how high the temperature was, he would retreat after taking the medicine. This time, the more medicine he used, the worse he was. Who is it?"

The little tiger's father said more and more vigorously, and excitedly analyzed: "If you burn it for a few more days, it is estimated that this little beast will be burned into a fool. This is not just our wish!"

Xiaohu's mother was It seems...that makes sense, but——

"What if it burns to death?"

"Wait two more days, and the doctor didn't say that the child is in danger now."

The couple negotiated that if the fever does not subside after two days, they will lend some money to Andy's father. The couple are actually soft-hearted.

But they couldn't wait for two days, and the results came the next day. As they wished, Andy's fever subsided, and people were stupid.

"Oh, my heart is finally at ease, but I'm so stupid, I don't have to worry about it in the future, God bless me!"

When picking up the children from school in the afternoon, the little tiger's mother announced the good news to Ye Qingqing. She was beaming with joy. Ye Qingqing was amused. It seemed that her punishment method was quite popular!

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