Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 268: won't let go

"Brother, I know you have opinions on me, but now, can you stop making trouble at this juncture?"

Lu Qingquan couldn't help but wink at Lu Mo with pleading in his eyes.

Of course Lu Mo understood what Lu Qingquan had in mind, but it was related to the reputation of his younger cousin and the principles of being a man, and he would never compromise.

"What is it called? Do you have any documents on your body?" The policeman became impatient.

"Lu Qingquan!" Lu Mo.

"Lu Qingxi!" Lu Qingquan.

The two said in unison, which alarmed the old man on the other side.

The old man's eyes turned cold and he came over, "What's the matter?"

Ye Qingqing said hurriedly, "Grandpa Lu, the police asked him what his name was, and he reported Brother Qingxi's name."

Lu Qingquan secretly screamed that it was not good. The old man was the most principled, Ding is Ding, Mao is Mao, and he would definitely not agree with his actions. It was all to blame for Lu Mo and Ye Qingqing. If they didn't say anything, how would the old man know.

"Why did you announce Qingxi's name?" The old man's voice was cold, and his expression was much calmer than before, but Lu Qingquan's heart was even more rash.

Like the calm before the storm, the situation is very bad.


After hesitating for a long time, Lu Qingquan couldn't give a reason, but the old man understood that this **** wanted to throw the ugly things he did on the little grandson and let the little grandson take the blame for him.

"Beast, you **** yourself, eat it for Lao Tzu, don't try to implicate Qingxi!"

The old man was furious and slapped it with a slap. In his rage, the old man used all his strength, Lu Qingquan was stunned, and his ears were buzzing. Paste saw the old man's lips moving.


The old man slapped him down again, Lu Qingquan was completely GAmeOVER, the place where he was beaten last time had not subsided, but this time it was even higher, and his ears were screaming so badly that he couldn't hear anything.

None of the police came to persuade them. They despised the brazen Lu Qingquan. They were even more shameless than those rotten boys in the society. It's just a matter of prostituting ducks and not admitting it. Now they want to let the innocent cousin take the blame.


The old man glared fiercely at Lu Qingquan, who was like a rotten bag, and said to the police, "His name is Lu Qingquan, not Lu Qingxi."

The police filled in his name, and asked about his age and home address, and the old man reported it truthfully.

"Work unit?" the policeman asked again.

The old man's expression changed and he hesitated. Lu Qingquan was so frightened that he regained his senses and called out in a pleading voice, "Grandpa..."

Don't tell me the troop number!

"I don't have a job, I'm unemployed at home." Lu Qingquan answered before the old man, looking at the old man begging, hoping that he would be merciful.

The police didn't believe Lu Qingquan's nonsense at all. It was obvious that this guy just said he was in the army, but now he is an unemployed youth?

"Really unemployed at home?" the policeman asked again.

"Really, it is true that he is unemployed at home!" Lu Qingquan nodded vigorously.

In fact, if it was someone else, the police wouldn't go to the bottom of it at all, and they could let the person go home after paying the fine, but Lu Qingquan was different. Ding Ba specially contacted the insider of the police station and asked them to take Lu Qingquan back home. The bottom of it was dug so cleanly that there was not even a pant left.

Moreover, the police couldn't get used to Lu Qingquan's shamelessness, and they didn't plan to let this guy go easily!

Such a shameless person is not worthy of staying in the army at all, tarnishing the glorious green uniform and the blood of the martyrs!

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