Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 2719: sick seal

Latest website: In the next few days, Lin Baiwei looked the same as usual, and didn't mention William again. Ye Qingqing thought she was calm, but she forgot how crazy it would be to be stubborn for a woman who had been suffocating for half her life.

They were going back in two days. Ye Qingqing took Xiaozhu and the others to Ocean Park. Du Guoqiang and Zhou Yueyun were resting at home. They were exhausted these days. Ye Qingqing and Lu Mo took their children to play, and Lin Baiwei was also at home. Take a break and do some business by the way.

As soon as he arrived at the park, the little pig was very excited and ran straight to the dolphin area, Ye Qingqing smiled, the little guy still remembers it!

The dolphin area was performing, and the children cheered, but one dolphin suddenly stopped and swam towards the shore. It was useless to call the breeder. This dolphin was exactly what Xiaozhu and Niuniu wanted to save two years ago. The other one didn't succeed, but because of Ye Qingqing's beast pill, the dolphin was in good shape.

Piglet and Niuniu were lying on the edge of the pool, the dolphins swam out of the water intimately, kissed and kissed their faces, and the other dolphins also swam over and didn't want to perform.

Niuniu is more familiar with them. She will come to feed the animals here every once in a while. The animals that are artificially domesticated and performing will have a much shorter lifespan. The beast can help them recover.

At present, it is unrealistic to want to return these animals to the sea. There are so many marine parks in the world, not only HK one, but also the park has so many employees. If they do release the animals back to the sea, countless employees will be unemployed, the animals are pitiful, and the human beings will be unemployed. It is also pitiful, so feeding the beast Dan is the best way.

When everyone stops watching animal performances in the future, these animals will be truly rescued. It can only be done slowly, not overnight.

Niu Niu fed a few dolphins to eat beast pills, and the seals became more cheerful, jumping in the water non-stop to express their happiness.

The breeder recognized Niuniu, shrugged helplessly, and said to the children watching the performance, "Their old friends are here, look how happy they are."

The children were very envious of Niuniu and Xiaozhu for their intimacy with the dolphins, so they also followed, lying by the pool and wanting the dolphins to kiss.

Niu Niu let the dolphins kiss a few children, and then let them go back to the pool, and they will feed the seals and sea lions later.

The seals and sea lions are also performing. There are also many children, but one seal is sick, very ill, dying, and is kept alone in the park. The pig heard it from other seals~www.readwn .com~ He told Niuniu.

"Let's go save it." Niuniu decided decisively.

If the sick seal is cured, and it is returned to the sea, even if it will be eaten by sharks after returning to the sea, it is better than being locked in a small pool.

Ye Qingqing helped them to negotiate with the person in charge of the park, and was willing to pay for the seal. In fact, the park had already planned to give up the seal. Many experts were helpless, saying that the seal was too ill and would not be cured.

Since Ye Qingqing was willing to pay for it, they naturally had no objection. This sick seal was an adult male seal. Not long after he came to the park, there were no scars on his body, but he refused to eat or perform. Not anymore.

The little pig lay on the seal, his lips moved slightly, the seal became more energetic, and tried to eat a few fish. It wanted to believe this human cub once, and it did not retreat.

If it can't go back to the sea, it would rather starve to death.

It will never put on those vulgar shows for human beings.

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