Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 2727: pregnant

The latest website: As soon as she heard the signs of miscarriage, Zhou Yueyun's bowels were full of regrets, and her thoughts of losing weight were completely gone. Even if she gained another 50 pounds, she still had to keep her children full and healthy.

"No more, I'll drink three bowls of chicken soup at night."

Ye Qingqing sneered, "There's no need for this, to ensure nutrition is not for you to eat and drink, now you only need to ensure that you eat three meals a day normally, and then take appropriate supplements after four months. In fact, if you want to lose weight, you can ask A dedicated nutritionist will prepare three meals for you, so that your child's health can be guaranteed, you won't gain too much weight yourself, and you can lose weight quickly after giving birth."

Zhou Yueyun's eyes lit up, "Where can I find a nutritionist like this? I was fat when I was born, and I can't lose weight any more."

"There is a special maternity center. My friend opened it. The effect is quite good, but the fee is not cheap. If it starts during pregnancy, it is estimated to be around 200,000." Ye Qingqing explained in advance.

Zhou Yueyun hesitated, "I'll talk to my country Guoqiang."

If it was only tens of thousands of yuan, she wouldn't tell her husband. She still had to tell her about 200,000 yuan. Now she has to pay the loan for HK's house every month, and the pressure is still not small.

"Actually, I suggest that you just go there for confinement. It's about 20,000 to 30,000 yuan a month. You should pay attention to yourself during pregnancy. I will give you a light and nutritious recipe. You can eat according to that, and then pay attention to proper Exercise." Ye Qingqing suggested.

"Sure, then I will go there for confinement. I hope this birth will have a daughter. I dream of having a daughter. It's rare to recruit people!" Zhou Yueyun agreed without hesitation when he heard that it was only 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. , she can still call the shots with this money.

"Your daughters are your own, as long as they are healthy." Ye Qingqing was vaccinated in advance, but she can't test it now, and it will take three months before the test.

She was afraid that Zhou Yueyun would learn from some ignorant people. When three months old, she would take an ultrasound scan to find out her gender. Some doctors would say that when they received a red envelope, and some people even lost their conscience. Human photo B-ultrasound, which killed many innocent fetuses.

Zhou Yueyun couldn't stop nodding, "That's the reason, if there is no way to have another son, I can't help raising him, preferably a girl, I will definitely dress her up every day, and send her to learn to dance and sing. , think hard enough."

Ye Qingqing smiled slightly, the idea is very good, the reality will have to wait a month to see.

"By the way, I saw Zhao Wenshan at the gate yesterday morning. Bai Wei and I sent our children to school together. Zhao Wenshan came to deliver flowers, but Bai Wei confiscated and returned the ring he had received before. Zhao Wenshan's face was Black has turned into charcoal, and you have said some unpleasant things." Zhou Yueyun talked about gossip.

In the morning, she and Lin Baiwei sent their children to school around the same time, and Ye Qingqing was the latest, because the little pig was a bit grumpy and would turn away from them in the morning, so I didn't see it.

In the past two months, Zhao Wenshan has been very diligent. Every time it is a bouquet of red roses. It seems that he wants to get back together. When it was sweet, how could Zhao Wenshan be seen.

If it weren't for the uncertainty of winning Xiaojie's custody, Lin Baiwei would want to appeal now, and he didn't want to wait another two years.

A few days later, Ye Qingqing also saw Zhao Wenshan, holding a bunch of wilted roses in his hand, still looking very bad, standing at the gate waiting for Lin Baiwei, but Zhao Jie and Xiaojie were waiting. , Lin Baiwei went abroad on business.

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