Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 2729: The vinegar jar is overturned

Latest website: William seems to plan to live here for a long time. He also bought a car to travel around. He will pick up the girls to play in the suburbs on weekends. Xiaohu also followed him a few times. When he came back, he said good things about Uncle William.

"Uncle William is handsome, speaks better English than our teacher, cooks delicious food, and has a lot of strength. He is as big as Uncle Lu. He can lift me up with one hand, much better than Dad."

When Xiaohu said it, he also gave his father a contemptuous look. The last time I played in HK, my father disliked him for being fat more than once. Hmph, Uncle William never disliked him.

Du Guoqiang was so angry with his son that he was so exhausted that he raised a little white-eyed wolf, and he actually disliked his father.

"Have you seen this guy named William? It sounds unreliable to me. Lin Baiwei shouldn't be deceived." Du Guoqiang felt from the bottom of his heart that William was 100% unreliable.

Moreover, his thinking is more traditional. He thinks that Lin Baiwei should not divorce Zhao Wenshan. There is no better husband and wife in the middle of the road. No matter how bad Zhao Wenshan is, he is still Xiaojie's biological father. , Lin Baiwei should not divorce Zhao Wenshan.

Zhou Yueyun's heart skipped a beat, and she thought of William's blue eyes that were melancholy and charming, but just glanced at her lightly, her soul at that time was about to be taken away.

In good conscience, if William took the initiative to hook up with her, she would definitely not be able to keep it. This man is too seductive, and even a virtuous woman can't keep it.

"Probably not. Bai Wei's friends from the past met when they went to HK to play this time. It was also their fate. Besides, even if this kind of man was cheated, he still made money."

The last sentence Zhou Yueyun lowered her head and whispered, she really thought this way, she used to hear people say that peony flowers die, and it is romantic to be a ghost, she felt that the person who said this has a sick brain, so it is better to live, no matter how beautiful the peony flowers are , No matter how romantic you are, it is better to live a good life.

But now she understands that if a peony like William's is a fire pit, there will be many women who can't keep it, and she may be no exception.

Du Guoqiang's eyelids twitched, don't think he didn't hear his daughter-in-law's muttering, what kind of **** is this mother-in-law, it feels like his daughter-in-law has also been lured away by that **** William.

"What does William look like?" Du Guoqiang pretended to ask casually.

Xiaohu said loudly: "Uncle William is so He is even more beautiful than a movie star. He came to pick up Xiaojie that day, and our teachers were stunned. All the classmates envied Xiaojie for having such a handsome uncle, too. Give Xiaojie a long face."

Du Guoqiang clenched his fists, holding back his anger, is this little **** despising him for not having a good face?

Zhou Yueyun was also excited, and she described William's appearance with bright eyebrows, "He looks really good-looking, and he is mixed race, his eyes are blue, his nose is high, his eye sockets are sunken, and his heart will be brittle when he looks at you, oh... Movie stars are not as good-looking as him, too high."

"Mom, don't you think Uncle William is good-looking too? Our whole class said he was good-looking, and we even asked Xiaojieduo to ask Uncle William to pick him up at school!"

Zhou Yueyun laughed, "How can Uncle William have so much time, he still has business to do, oh, your Uncle William is good-looking, you can do business, and you are good at cooking. Auntie Lin is really lucky."


Du Guoqiang's fingers were about to break, and he couldn't hold back any longer, and said in a strange yin and yang: "It's me who wronged both of you, I'm not good-looking, my business is not good, and my cooking is not delicious, I'm so wronged for you. ."

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