Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 2735: IQ is hard

Ye Qingqing originally planned to go to her hometown with Zhou Yueyun to play for a few days, but the plan changed. An unexpected guest came to the door, and it was Zhu Zi who had been missing for a long time.

In recent years, Zhu Zi has been haunted by ghosts and ghosts, and he has not even seen his own sister Tiantian, but he sends money to Tiantian every month, the amount is not small, and his mobile phone always sends text messages to warn Tiantian not to fall in love early.

However, these words are like farts. Tiantian doesn't take it seriously at all. They still mix oil with Xiaotongmi. The young couple are childhood sweethearts and have a good relationship. Ye Qingqing and Ye Ming are happy to see it happen.

During this period of time, Ye Qingqing suffered from summer sleepiness, and she always felt tired. She didn't want to get up in the morning, she was lazy, she didn't take it seriously. She thought it was because of the hot weather. Waking her up, she didn't get up until almost noon, and was awakened by the movement downstairs.

It seemed to be the voice of the stinky girl Wuchen, and it sounded that she was not the only one. Ye Qingqing thought it was Xiaotong and Tiantian, so she got up, her back was sore, and her whole body was weak.

"Auntie, who is he? Why don't you laugh?" Xiao Zhu curiously stared at Zhu Zi with a cold face, not at all afraid.

"He is such a dead person, don't ignore him, my aunt will play with you with building blocks." Wuchen rolled her eyes at Zhu Zi, with a dead face every day, it is estimated that the nerves of laughter are dead.

"I'm an adult now, who still plays with something as naive as building blocks? Auntie, you can watch cartoons." Xiaozhu looked at Wuchen sympathetically. His aunt's IQ felt like a day for ten years. increased.

At such a young age, she is still keen on playing with building blocks, and her level of watching TV stays at cartoons. I really don't know how she got into college.

Wuchen felt the contempt of Piglet Chiguoguo, her teeth were itchy with anger, and Zhu Zi's eyes had a little more smile. This little girl is still the same as when she was a child, her IQ is indeed flawed, but she looks like a real girl. Change, it gets better and better.

When she was a child, this girl was like a tomboy, carefree. Now, as long as she doesn't open her mouth, she is still quite a lady.

"I haven't played with building blocks for a long time. My aunt is playing with you, a little brat, and I don't know the good things."

Wuchen glared, turned on the TV in boredom, and subconsciously wanted to tune to the cartoon channel, but when she thought of Xiaozhu's words, she forcibly held back and chose a tall legal channel to watch it, showing her wisdom. .

It's a pity that Wuchen couldn't stop yawning after watching it for a few minutes, and even knocking melon seeds couldn't save her, Xiaozhu smiled slyly, took the remote control and switched to the cartoon, Wuchen's eyes lit up, and he felt refreshed immediately I lost my face, and looked at it with relish.

"Why doesn't your mother get up, so adults are still sleeping late, and your dad doesn't know what to do." Wuchen waited for a long time without seeing Ye Qingqing, and muttered softly.

The little pig was not happy, "Dad said that Mommy is very hard, and she has to sleep a little longer."

"What kind of hard work can your mother have, and it's not right to not work, she has to work at night, it's really hard enough..." Wuchen's voice is getting smaller and smaller, and the child has to pay attention to words in front of the child, but the little pig's ears are pointed , still heard.

"What will my mother do at night? Farming or weeding?" Little Tiger was very curious.

The corners of Zhu Zi's mouth twitched, and she watched the fun with schadenfreude to see how Wuchen would answer.

Wuchen scratched his scalp, and it took a long time to think of the reason, "Your mother is busy giving you little brothers and sisters. She can't be idle at night, so she's tired."

: . :

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