Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 2740: King Kong Lolita

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The latest website: "No, it's a girl's business to have a baby!"

Wuchen had a look of resistance, and she was horrified at the thought of having a big belly. It was so terrifying, she would rather be a bachelor for the rest of her life.

The head was knocked hard again, Ye Qingqing scolded: "You are not a bitch? Could it be that you will never marry in your whole life? My father has even saved your dowry. Are you worthy of my father if you don't marry?"

Wuchen rubbed his head and said angrily: "The law doesn't stipulate that women must marry. Those men are weaker than chicks, and I can blast them with a single finger!"

Ye Qingqing slapped her again in anger, and shouted, "I asked you to get married because you wanted to fight? After you get married, you should respect each other and treat each other like a guest. Who told you to beat a man?"

As far as this dead girl's fighting power is concerned, there are very few men who can beat her. How can this girl be married.

Wuchen touched her head, holding back her anger, pregnant women were the biggest, she held back, and she would return after the cubs were born.

"Marriage is not a fight between goblins, why not?" Wuchen shouted loudly, she was right, don't think she didn't know that she was never married, hum!

"Cough cough..."

Ye Qingqing almost choked to death on a sip of the dumpling soup. Zhu Zi, who was eating dumplings slowly, also stared at Wuchen in amazement. Only then did they suddenly realize that this girl was already a big girl.

Nineteen-year-old Wuchen is not particularly tall, just 162. She has a petite figure, a small face, small mouth and big eyes. She is very kawaii and has a sweet voice. As long as this girl speaks well, she can definitely deceive everyone into thinking she It's a cute little loli.

But once the dead girl's hair was blown, she immediately turned into a Lolita, scaring all men away.

As soon as Wuchen entered junior high school, the first half of the semester was very popular, and he even received a lot of love letters, as well as some small gifts such as chocolate chocolate. This girl naturally ate the gifts and threw the love letters. The other boys did not respond when they saw Wuchen. His mind also faded, after all, he was still a shy boy who couldn't do a scoundrel.

But there is an infatuated species, and his family is also quite good. He insists on giving chocolates and gifts every day, and he is still loving.

After half a semester, Wuchen didn't even know who the boy was, but the boy thought Wuchen was also interested in him. The boy's heart was eager to move, and on a sunny afternoon, the boy bravely confessed to Wuchen. .


Ye Qingqing was called to the school to chat, because the boy was almost thrown from the fifth floor by Wuchen. The dean who passed by was so frightened that he had a heart attack, and the boy was so frightened that he wet his pants, and then hid in the toilet in a panic. Up to now, he still refuses to come out. The good words of the teachers and parents are useless. The boy feels that he is shameless and will not come out if he is beaten to death.

"Who asked him to say he liked me, and also said he wanted to marry me, I was disgusted, I just scare him, who knew that he was so timid, he was scared to pee when he was only five floors up, and this coward still wanted to marry me, Humph!" Wuchen was righteous and felt that she didn't do it.

The dean who just took the quick-acting Jiuxin Pill was so angry that he almost threw himself out. He has worked hard for decades, and this is the first time he has seen such an arrogant and domineering female classmate. He just confessed that he would kill others. Which kind of student is this? Family dare to marry?

Of course, it's not right for boys to write love letters. The main responsibility of students is to study and talk about love!

Ye Qingqing said a lot of good things to the teachers and parents, but the parents are quite reasonable, just let Wuchen apologize and let their son's face live well. Under Ye Qingqing's yin power, Wuchen is unwilling He went to the toilet to apologize, Ye Qingqing couldn't help laughing when he remembered the scene at that time.

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