Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 2896: Judge with a sense of justice

The judge is a middle-aged woman with a dignified and dignified face. Attorney Guo deliberately walked around and asked the female judge to take over the case, because the female judge has always liked to help vulnerable groups, especially poor women who have suffered domestic violence. Helped many women and children.

"Judge Xia is very just. He is very sympathetic to what happened to Lu Qinghua. The judge's empathy is very important. If everything goes well, Lu Qinghua should not be sentenced." Attorney Guo is very confident.

The female judge's surname is Xia. As long as this judge Xia takes over the case, the dust is basically settled.

The court will start soon. Lu Qinghua was brought to the dock. Her complexion was very good, even better than a month ago. Seeing the beautiful Yinyin, Lu Qinghua smiled and felt even more grateful.

In just one month, Yinyin has gained a lot of weight, and she has grown taller and dressed so beautifully, which shows that Ye Qingqing is really taking care of her daughter. She used to look down on Ye Qingqing because she was too careful.

Jiang Xingzhi was also pushed to the plaintiff's seat. He and Lu Qinghua looked at each other, Lu Qinghua laughed abruptly, his eyes became cold, Jiang Xingzhi shook violently, lowered his head in fear, and the wound on his body that had healed seemed to hurt again. stand up.

That night, Lu Qinghua had his dreams almost every night this month. In his dreams, Lu Qinghua laughed like this, holding a **** knife in his hand, stabbing him one by one...

Jiang Xingzhi is actually a jerk. Don't look at him as fierce as a tiger at home, but he doesn't even dare to fart outside. He is a coward and has no courage. He was frightened that night and was completely intimidated by Lu Qinghua. .

Now he doesn't even dare to look at Lu Qinghua, let alone come to the door. He just wants to stay far away and don't meet this pervert. He is afraid that Lu Qinghua will stab him dozens of times. He is really afraid.

Jiang Xingzhi's lawyer is a public prosecutor assigned by the court. He is not too old, and naturally he does not have enough experience. The old fox-like lawyer Guo completely crushed him. In addition, Jiang Xingzhi was indeed excessive. Many neighbors testified that Lu Qinghua's mother and daughter were Life is better than death after a few years, not regarded as a human being.

Although Judge Xia's expression did not change, Ye Qingqing could sense that she was leaning towards Lu Qinghua, and Judge Xia called Yinyin.

"My father beat my mother, and I also beat my grandparents. They said I was a loser. My father called me a broom star. Mom is not a bad person, she is there to protect me." Yin Yin cried and begged.

Lu Qinghua also cried. She blamed herself in her heart. In fact, she had beaten children.

She is not a gentle and patient person. Sometimes when she is really annoying, she will beat a few times. Yin Yin doesn't cry. She is still saying this in court. She is really not a good mother.

Judge Xia's expression was a little moved. She was the one who disliked men beating women and children the most, so at this moment, her inner balance was already in favor of Lu Qinghua.

Lawyer Guo showed the injury assessment again, "Judge, Jiang Xingzhi was only slightly injured. The situation was urgent at the time. My client was only a weak woman. In order to protect herself, she could only defend herself with a knife. It is possible to avoid the vital parts, which shows that my client has a good heart, and she does not want to hurt the plaintiff."

Ye Qingqing's mouth twitched, this is her credit!

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