Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 2898: innocent

Lawyer Guo continued: "My client injured the plaintiff with a knife out of self-protection. Although the plaintiff suffered minor injuries, she was excusable. If she did not use the knife, she would be strangled by the plaintiff, leaving behind her six-year-old daughter. Suffering in the world, out of the power of mother's love, she rose up to resist. Although she hated the plaintiff, she still tried her best to avoid greater harm. A chance to start over with her little girl."

Jiang's mother and Jiang's father didn't understand, but Jiang Xingzhi did. They wanted to acquit this stinky cousin Lu Qinghua. He suffered more than 30 knives and shed so much blood. He was unwilling to be sentenced to death.

"Judge, I didn't choke Lu Qinghua's neck, and I didn't hit her. She stabbed first. She also said that she was a dry nurse, and she chose the most painful places to stab me, making my life worse than death. She is a snake and scorpion venom. Wife, we must shoot her, shoot her!" Jiang Xingzhi lost his mind and shouted frantically.

Although Lu Qinghua really wanted to scold her back, lawyer Guo reminded her not to say a word in court without the judge asking, she could not say a word, just pretend to be weak, so she lowered her head and cried even though she was so angry , without saying a word.

Compared to Jiang Xingzhi's madman's roar, Lu Qinghua's secret sobbing was even more pitiful and more sympathetic, all of which were expected by lawyer Guo, and Jiang's mother assisted by gods, so the result was almost certain.

Attorney Guo showed Lu Qinghua's injury appraisal report, "The stranglehold on my client's neck is exactly what the plaintiff did, and the wounds on her body over the years were caused by the beating of the plaintiff, Jiang Xingzhi."

The judge took the appraisal report and looked at it carefully. The report was very detailed. There were also many color photos of Lu Qinghua's wounds, as well as Yin Yin's, which was shocking.

The court adjourned for a while, and then the judge read out the result of the trial——

"Defendant Lu Qinghua caused the plaintiff Jiang Xingzhi to be lightly injured out of self-defense, and pity for his misfortune. The young girl is innocent, and she is acquitted..."

The judge's solemn and powerful voice was like the sound of nature. Lu Qinghua was already ready to go to jail, but when she heard the result of the trial, she was stunned. It took a long time for her to react, and tears welled up in her eyes. This time they were tears of joy.

Ye Qingqing didn't lie to her, she really didn't need to go to jail.

"I don't agree. Lu Qinghua stabbed my son thirty-two times. How could it be a minor injury? You guys have colluded, you must be a group, I'm going to sue you!"

Mother Jiang was like crazy. She stabbed her son with so many knives and shed so much blood. Her son's body was completely crippled. How could it be a minor injury?

The judge and the Lu family must be together!

"You are a black-hearted judge. You must have collected money from the Lu family. You are colluding to harm our family.

Mother Jiang sat paralyzed on the ground, screaming and talking nonsense. Judge Xia grimaced and asked the bailiff to take the old woman out. She had a clear conscience, just go and sue her. If she was afraid, she would not be named Xia!

The public prosecution lawyer also disliked the family, but according to the procedure, he wanted to explain the steps of the appeal to the Jiang family.

"If you are not satisfied with the first-instance judgment, you can go to the Intermediate Court to appeal, and you can find a lawyer."

"Can you help us appeal? We don't understand this." Father Jiang was so anxious.

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