Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 3081: mama scum boy

"You first have a showdown with Yu Shaoning's parents and put forward your conditions. Yu Shaoning's **** will listen to his parents, as long as they get his parents done." Ye Qingqing made an idea.

Yu Shaoning is both a scumbag and a mother-in-law. He clearly doesn't like Lu Ziqun, but he can obey his parents' arrangement to marry her, and his divorce from his ex-wife is not voluntary.

Although his ex-wife put a green hat on Yu Shaoning, the man himself is not safe, and the outside is not clean. The two are half a catty, and the **** matches mung beans. However, he was determined to divorce, and he would never allow the Yu family to have a daughter-in-law who was corrupt.

Yu Shaoning had no choice but to divorce and remarried Lu Ziqun, who satisfied his parents, but this did not affect his flirting outside. His ex-wife and female student were all flirting with each other.

To deal with Ma Baonan, it is natural to deal with his parents first. Yu Shaoning's parents want to save face, and they will definitely not let the evidence in Lu Ziqun's hands spread. They can only agree to her conditions.

The three houses gave up two to save the face of the Yu family, which was within the tolerance of Yu Shaoning's parents.

Ye Qingqing reminded some more, Lu Ziqun wrote it down, she was nervous and looking forward to it, and finally waited for this day, but she was worried that it would not succeed, and the Yu family would not eat this way.

"How could they not eat it, they are so fond of face, they will definitely compromise, no matter how nice they say, you can't be tempted, no matter how nice they are, there will be no two houses. ."

Lu Ziqun's eyes were sparkling, and she was very excited. If she buys another set of two houses, she will be the renter.

Ye Qingqing imagined countless possible rhetoric and performances that Yu Shaoning's parents might have, and rehearsed with Lu Ziqun before letting her go back to negotiate.

"One principle is that you must get divorced, and you must have two houses. If you go back and forgive the scumbag, don't call it my old classmate in the future. I feel ashamed."

"I will look down on myself, don't worry, I am divorced from this marriage."

Lu Ziqun couldn't help laughing, his spirits were high, and he vaguely had the demeanor of the squad leader Lu when he was in school.

"Come on, this is a reporter's business card. It's from several newspapers. It's true. You scare them."

Ye Qingqing took out a business card. Lu Mo had a lot of business cards there, all of which were collected when he attended events before. He stuffed all his brains in his pocket, Ye Qingqing kept it for him, and now it can come in handy.

Lu Ziqun smiled again, put away the business card, and left with high fighting spirit to her in-laws' house.

The house that Yu Shaoning's parents lived in was bought seven or eight years ago. It is not far from the house where she lives now, but the area is smaller, only more than 90 square meters, which is enough for the old couple.

"Ziqun is here. I'm going to eat here tonight. I've stewed chicken soup. You drink more. You can get pregnant when you're healthy." Yu Shaoning's mother's expression was indifferent. Never been really nice to her.

Her parents-in-law made delicious food for her, just for her grandson. Giving her chicken soup was like giving her alms. Her eyes were contemptuous and not at all kind. Like Ye Qingqing's mother-in-law, she looked at Ye Qingqing as if she was looking at her own daughter. Same.

She used to be so stupid, she thought her in-laws were good, but in fact she and Yu Shaoning were the same raccoon dog.

Moreover, Yu Shaoning is romantic outside, her parents must be aware of it, but they don't care about teaching their son, they only urge her to have a child, because she is still guilty before, and feels sorry for her parents-in-law's intentions, hum, she is a pig!

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