Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 3103: 1 more divorced

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"It's just because it's in a hurry, so it's only 6 million. If it's not in a hurry, this kind of house will be at least 12 million. The decoration is really all good materials, and I have never lived in it, it's the same as a new house." Miss Chang said.

"Six million is indeed not expensive, but now there are not many people who can take out six million in cash within a week. Even the big boss is not necessarily. The same is true for you, Miss Chang, you can still get it within a month. Come out, you definitely won’t be able to raise so much money in a week, otherwise you won’t be able to introduce it to me, let’s not talk secretly, what is the real price of the homeowner, we can sign the contract today if we can negotiate.”

Ye Qingqing didn't want to waste time. Although this eldest sister Chang is more reliable, she can only listen to half of what she says. The situation of the house is definitely true. She dare not lie about this, but the others cannot be taken seriously.

If Sister Chang could buy it herself, she would definitely not sell such a good house, she would have already bought it herself.

Sister Chang smiled helplessly, "Mrs. Lu, you are really... It's a pity that you don't work with our agency, you can't hide anything from you, okay, I won't lie to you. The owner's reserve price is 5.8 million. Really can't go any lower."

"If 5.8 million cannot be sold, will the owner not save his son?" Ye Qingqing asked curiously.

"Of course I'm saved. The owner of the house didn't run the training class, he partnered with a friend. If the house couldn't be sold, he would sell the shares of the training class to the friend. They have already made a name for this training class. The gold content of the property is still relatively high, so the owner is reluctant to sell the shares and wants to sell the house first." Sister Chang told the truth.

Ye Qingqing nodded, winked at Lu Ziqun, took her to the small garden, and asked in a low voice, "Do you want to buy it?"

"I don't have enough money, it's still 550,000!"

Lu Ziqun was so anxious that she wanted to buy it, but what could she do if she didn't have enough money?

"I'll borrow it from you, you can pay it back slowly. If you want to buy it, you can sign the contract now. You must start quickly with such a good house." Ye Qingqing reminded.

Just now she said that there are not many people who can afford 6 million in cash. In fact, she was trying to frighten Sister Chang. There should not be too many rich people in Pingjiang, let alone 6 million. The rich haven't heard the wind yet. If they knew, they would definitely rush to ask for it.

And she had promised to lend Lu Ziqun money early in the morning. Although she was angry with Sun Yurong at the time, since she had said it, she had to say everything. Hundreds of thousands were nothing to her.

Lu Ziqun can also afford it. The monthly rent for that small house is more than 3,000 yuan. In addition to her salary and bonus, it is about 100,000 yuan a year, which can be paid off soon.

"Qingqing, you are so kind, I... I will pay you back sooner or later."

Lu Ziqun was so grateful that she would borrow 550,000 yuan if she wanted to. In exchange, she would hesitate for a long time to borrow 5,000 yuan from others. She would definitely regard Ye Qingqing as her best friend in the future.

"Don't worry, hurry up and go through the formalities, and you will be able to move into the new house tomorrow." Ye Qingqing joked.

Lu Ziqun also grinned. It felt like a dream, everything in front of her was unreal. A week ago, she was worried about buying a house of about 80 square meters, but now she lives in a villa, which is so beautiful that she can't believe it.

She pinched **** her thigh, the pain made her laugh even happier, and she finally got her wish!

The other party was in a hurry to ask for money, even more urgent than Lu Ziqun, so she completed all the procedures the next day. Seeing her name on the property deed, Lu Ziqun burst into tears, and she finally had a home.

As time passed, Ye Qingqing went to Hk, Li Hongming felt much better, and said he was going to attend Ye Tong's wedding, but before the eighteenth day of the first month, Ye Qingqing received a call from Lu Ziqun, "Yu Anning wants to divorced."

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