Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 3333: come uninvited

Fang's mother was startled. She had never seen her son make such a big fire before. She couldn't help but feel sour. Isn't it because she was pregnant with a child, which made her as precious as a giant panda. She was still harvesting wheat in the field for the past eight months. Woolen cloth.

Women in the countryside who have a big belly don't work all day, and women in the city are more expensive. Her daughter-in-law is especially precious, but her son is as precious as eyeballs, and she is not so filial to her mother.

"Then what do you say? But your aunt, you can't just ignore it!" Fang's mother was playing a rogue.

She boasted about Haikou in front of her aunt. If this was not done well, she would have no face.

And she really doesn't think it's a big deal, isn't it just to deliver some food, even if she doesn't go to the hospital to deliver food, her son and daughter-in-law have to eat too, put an extra bowl of rice when washing rice, and fry one more dish. Come on, what a big deal!

"You also said that it's my aunt, not my own mother, so what can I manage? I'm very busy with work now, and I have to take care of Fang Fei. I don't have the spare time to take care of these things. My aunt doesn't have any children, and I can't take care of my five children. A mother? Do you need me to meddle in my own business?"

Fang Yanming is not polite anymore. He will never take care of this shit. His aunt's family is a leech, and he can't get rid of it if he gets dumped. He has suffered a loss long ago. He's a pig again!

"Why are you so cold-hearted and cold-hearted, but your aunt, your father's sister, is now terribly ill, so you just watch your aunt care?" Fang's mother felt that her son was a little strange.

Why has it become impersonal?

It is said that the people in the city are impersonal, and her son has been in the city for a long time, and he has become more and more indifferent.

"What do you think I can manage? Pay and contribute? Why? When my family was building a house, you and my father went to ask my aunt to borrow money. Did she give me a penny? At that time, why didn't my aunt say she was my father? What did your sister say?"

Fang Yanming retorted, his aunt can do a lot of this kind of thing, his mother is dementia, so she will forget it completely.

But he didn't forget.

"That's because your aunt has no money. She will definitely borrow it if she has money."

"How can she build a new house every other year without money? Money doesn't always fall from the sky, right? You and your father treat her as a relative, but they never take you to heart. Don't mention it. I have no money and I don't have time to deal with these crap, and don't bother me by calling me in the future."

Fang Yanming was decisive and rude.

His parents were confused, and it didn't work if he didn't say something cruel.

Hmph, even if he really took care of this matter, contributed money and effort, and ran around in a hurry, his aunt's family would not appreciate it, nor would he say a good word to him outside, he had seen through the family long ago.

But Fang Yanming still underestimated the family's thick skin. Less than a week after Fang's mother called, his cousin came to Pingjiang with his aunt, and his uncle did not call beforehand. Only after Ping Jiang called and asked him to pick up people at the station.

At that time, Fang Yanming was in a meeting, and when he received the phone call, he was so angry that he almost cursed his mother. He was the most annoying guest who came uninvited. Even if he came, he should have said beforehand. Are you resting at home?

After all, he is also the deputy director. He doesn't talk about daily affairs, and his official business is busy, and the cases are piled up.

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