Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 3426: sue the school

Yu Anning swayed, Qi Wenyuan supported her and comforted her in a low voice, "It won't be any worse, think about it."

This is the same as the principle of not worrying about more debts. Li Qiqi has so many troubles, and one more pregnancy is not unacceptable.

And this is also expected, Li Qiqi has a boyfriend, and he is still a scoundrel, how can he let go of Li Qiqi's budding flower?

Yu Anning took a deep breath. She really couldn't think of such a thing. She was pregnant at the age of seventeen, and her youth had just begun, and Li Qiqi was dying.

Li Jingshan couldn't understand English, but he could understand it. Seeing Yu Anning's shocked expression, he knew that something was wrong. He was anxious to ask what happened. Yu Anning told him, and Li Jingshan was stunned. Almost had a stroke.

In any case, he couldn't accept the fact that his granddaughter was seventeen, how could his granddaughter Li Jingshan be so self-respecting, where would he put his old face?

"Reverse girl, I... I want to kill this rebel girl!"

Li Jingshan now just wants to kill that shameful evil handicap and disgrace the face of the old Li family. If he knew it would be like this, he might as well stay in the country to study. With him and the old woman watching, his granddaughter is still excellent in both character and study. good boy.

I also blame the corruption on the side of the M country. Good children will become bad when they come here. Or how about oranges and Huaibei!

Li Qiqi's repatriation can no longer be changed. The school here has a very clear attitude and is determined to repatriate Li Qiqi, and although he speaks politely, but with obvious contempt, it is determined that Li Qiqi is a criminal .

"My daughter is only a suspect now. The court has not said that she must have committed a crime. Why do you decide that my daughter is a criminal?" Yu Anning's face became cold, and she committed crimes one by one, which made her angry.

At first, she thought that the headmistress was nice, kind-hearted, and polite, but now she saw that the headmistress was discriminating against Li Qiqi in her bones, and she didn't believe that Li Qiqi was framed. The police must have said a lot of things against Li Qiqi.

The headmistress [Gucheng Reading] was stunned and regretted a little, not because she regretted her opinion of Li Qiqi, but because she regretted saying too much in front of her family, but she didn't care too much, it was just a few Chinese, nothing. Big deal.

"My daughter is excellent in both academics and academics in China, she is obedient and obedient, and she never does anything out of the ordinary, but she only came to your school for three months, and she got into a lawsuit, made a gangster boyfriend, and became pregnant. "

Yu Anning sneered and continued: "Madam, my daughter is still a minor. She came to your school as an exchange student. Shouldn't your school be educated? Under the eyes of your school, my daughter has gone so far. A lot of things happened, but your school never communicated with our parents, and didn’t tell us until something happened, isn’t this your school’s dereliction of duty?”

The headmistress's face changed slightly. She did have a bit of a loss about Li Qiqi, because she couldn't look down on the exchange students from Huaxia, and Li Qiqi herself was not good enough, so she didn't pay much attention to Li Qiqi, etc. When she noticed something was wrong, Li Qiqi had already fallen into the abyss.

After leaving the school, Yu Anning took out his mobile phone from his pocket with a firm expression, "I'm going to sue the school!"

She has recorded the words of the headmistress just now. She clearly discriminated against her daughter, and she also failed to fulfill her due obligations. Isn't it possible for country M to tell everything?

She has to fight the lawsuit.

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