Ye Qingqing swallowed her saliva, moistened her throat, and continued to persuade. She really couldn't tolerate a girl who was in her youthful years, marrying and having children early and becoming a yellow-faced woman.

Obviously, Zhao Di can have a better future!

"Accountant Zhu is not the highest. After the senior accountant, there is a certified public accountant. As long as you are admitted to a certified public accountant, you will not have to worry about making money in your life. You can still go to work in a firm and be a white-collar worker. Do you know that?"

Ye Qingqing swallowed again, talking too much, her throat was dry.

Zhao Di's face turned even redder, she was excited. Ye Qingqing's words opened a door to a new world for her. It turned out that the outside world was so wonderful, and her previous thoughts were really too narrow and ridiculous.

"Is it like in "Miss Public Relations"?" Zhao Di asked in a low voice.

Ye Qingqing was worried that she couldn't find the right words to explain the white-collar workers, but Zhao Di thought of it herself, she nodded vigorously, "Yes, just like a public relations lady, wearing a small suit, silk scarf, high heels, and delicate clothes. Makeup, go out and take a plane car..."

Zhao Di's eyes brightened, twinkling.

Ye Qingqing's description, just like a movie, was shown in front of her, and Zhao Di automatically substituted herself into it, becoming an elegant white-collar lady in a small suit and a silk scarf.

Zhao Di's heart is fiery, of course she wants to be a white-collar worker with such a style, but does she have that ability?

"Do you have less brains than those white-collar workers, or do you have fewer hands and feet? Sister Zhaodi, I'm optimistic about you, you will definitely succeed, get the junior accounting certificate first!" Ye Qingqing raised his fist and shouted impassively write.

Zhao Di nodded vigorously, "Okay, I'll take the primary exam first, and then take the intermediate exam."

Qingqing is right, how is she worse than others, he-mother, she won't be a white-collar worker in this life, she will live this life in vain!

"Yes, let's do it this way, slow down the marriage, think about it, now you marry an ordinary man, you will become a white-collar worker in the future, your husband is still an ordinary worker, you belong to two classes completely, sooner or later you have to divorce, you simply Take ten years to work hard for your career, and when your career is successful, you don’t need to look for it, a good man will come after you.”

Ye Qingqing finally revealed her purpose, she wasted so much saliva in the front, just to let Zhao Di get rid of the idea of ​​marrying now.

It's clear that Zhao Di can have a better future, so why ruin it in a cumbersome family life!

Most importantly, Ye Qingqing also saw that Zhao Di was not an ordinary girl. She had ambitions and wanted to go further, but she just lacked a guiding light.

Then... let her be that guiding light!

Ye Qingqing is very proud, she is Zhao Di's life mentor!

Zhao Di was brainwashed very successfully. Her whole body was immersed in the beautiful dream of the future. Her feet could not touch the ground, and she was floating when she walked.

"Don't forget about tomorrow!"

Ye Qingqing reminded loudly.

"Don't worry, don't forget!"

Zhao Di replied, and went home in a fluttering manner. The first thing she did when she went back was to tell her mother that she would not get married within ten years, she wanted to work hard for her career, and no one should bother her!

That night, Ye Zhiguo didn't go home, and he didn't dare to close his eyes, so he persevered to check the hygiene.

Ye Qingqing was so excited that she didn't sleep much all night, but unfortunately she had to go to school the next day. Sang Huaiyuan said that she would visit the machinery factory at 10 in the morning. After the tour, she would have lunch at the machinery factory, talk to the factory leaders, and return at 2 pm. City Hall.

Ye Qingqing, sitting in the classroom, is very anxious to know what's going on at the machinery factory. Is it going smoothly?

: . :

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