Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 575: miraculously survived again

Ye Lan ate the noodles slowly, took half an hour, and then walked back slowly, anyway, Ye Hua was there, what was she doing in such a hurry to go back, but when she walked downstairs of the inpatient department, Ye Zhiguo disappeared, but the motorcycle But still stopped.

Did it go up?

Ye Lan couldn't understand more and more, since she would go up sooner or later, why didn't she go up in the first place, the more she could not understand Ye Zhiguo's mind.

She went upstairs with three stops, but Ye Lan found that Shen Yanhong in the ward was gone, the bed was empty, and Ye Hua was not there, but the thermos cup and other toiletries were there.

"Oh, you've come back. Your mother suddenly had a stomachache and was sent to rescue. It's a sin..." the warm-hearted aunt shouted.

"Why do you have a stomachache... It was fine just now..." Ye Lan couldn't believe it, Shen Yanhong was still talking and laughing with Ye Hua when she was eating noodles!

"Who knows, he suddenly rolled on the bed in pain, your brother was frightened, he went out and called your father, go and have a look!"

Ye Lan quickened her pace and ran to the emergency room. Ye Zhiguo and Ye Hua were both there, Ye Hua was crying hard, Ye Zhiguo was comforting him, seeing her coming, Ye Zhiguo just glanced and said nothing.

The doctor came out with a very displeased expression, "What did you give the patient? The patient is weak now, and a little bacteria will kill her. You must pay attention to her diet. How can you eat indiscriminately..."

"I didn't eat it indiscriminately, it's chicken soup stewed at home, doctor, how is my mother?" Ye Lan hurriedly explained.

The doctor frowned, "Is the chicken soup fresh? The patient has food poisoning. Fortunately, the rescue was timely, otherwise..."

Even the doctor admired Shen Yanhong's tenacious vitality. After all the tossing, she still survived. If it was replaced by other people, she must have gone to the morgue to lie down earlier.

Ye Lan didn't know how to answer, how could she know that the chicken soup was fresh or not, the dead old woman always likes to eat overnight dishes, maybe the soup is also overnight!

Ye Zhiguo said, "The chicken soup has been in the refrigerator overnight, but it's overheated."

"There are more bacteria in the refrigerator than in the toilet. In the future, patients can only eat fresh and nutritious food. Otherwise, there will be another time, and I can't guarantee that I can save it again!"

The doctor reprimanded Ye Zhiguo. The most annoying thing is this kind of person who doesn't know how to settle accounts. He is reluctant to throw away a little bit of food. He even eats it when it grows moldy. To go to the hospital, you have to spend a lot of money to buy enough fresh and nutritious food!

Ye Zhiguo complied with all promises, but he was very regretful in his heart. After so many rhubarbs, the **** didn't die.

Shen Yanhong was pushed out, and she became dead again just like the other day, but her sanity was clear.

When she saw Ye Zhiguo who had rushed over soon, Shen Yanhong knew that she had been tricked. Ye Zhiguo, a wolf-hearted beast, even took advantage of his own son and wanted to kill her!

If the nurse who came to the ward round just now found out that something was wrong with her and sent her to rescue, maybe she would have gone to the underworld to report.

This time Ye Zhiguo failed, and he will definitely have another time. Shen Yanhong seems to have fallen into an ice cellar, her blood is cold.

She can't sit still, she has to find someone to help!

Ye Qingqing knew what happened in the hospital the next day. She didn't have to guess, she knew that Ye Zhiguo must have started, but fortunately, the nurse who greeted her took care of it, and Shen Yanhong survived the disaster.

This is very good. Shen Yanhong is so frightened this time that she will definitely let go.

: . :

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