Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 630: ominous man

There were lights in the cracks of Grandma Gu's door, she must be at home.

Ye Qingqing knocked gently on the door, and a hoarse old voice came from inside, "Who is it?"

The old lady's body trembled, Nianci's voice was so old, she must have suffered a lot.

"Grandma, it's me!"

Ye Qingqing held back her excitement, but her voice was still a little trembling, and it sounded different from usual.

"Young girl, you're here so late, don't come out at night in the future, it's not safe."

Granny Gu's voice got closer and closer to the door, and the old lady's body trembled more and more.


The door opened.

Grandma Gu stood at the door and smiled kindly at Ye Qingqing, but did not see the old lady and Lu Mo behind Ye Qing.

Although Grandma Gu was old and haggard, the old lady recognized it at a glance, it was her sister Nianci.

Ye Qingqing looked at Grandma Gu excitedly, and tears suddenly flowed down.

"What's wrong? Who bullied you? Talk to Grandma." Grandma Gu asked anxiously.


Grandma Gu (hereinafter referred to as Gu Nianci) trembled, she couldn't believe her ears, and she didn't dare to check. She even wanted to get on the train now and get out of here.

"Nianci, don't you even recognize your sister?"

The old lady took a few steps forward, crying and questioning.

"Grandma, I am your granddaughter, your own granddaughter!"

Ye Qingqing couldn't bear it any longer, and hugged Gu Nianci, tears bursting out.

Gu Nianci was shocked and ashamed. She was shocked that she had an extra granddaughter, and she was ashamed that she did not dare to face her cousin.


Gu Nianci screamed, and lowered her head in shame.

She is an ominous person!

Seeing Gu Nianci's submissive appearance, the old lady was angry and distressed, grabbed Gu Nianci's hand, and asked, "You have already come to Pingjiang, why didn't you come to me? Don't you want your cousin?"

"No... I miss my cousin, I miss Huaiyuan and the others. I went to Wushan Road a few times and saw my cousin from a distance..."

Gu Nianci also burst into tears and hugged Ye Qingqing, although she didn't understand why Qing girl said it was her granddaughter!

Mingcheng has been dead for so many years and has never been married, how can he have such a big daughter?

"Why didn't you find me?" The old lady was angry.

They had already arrived at Wushan Road, and they saw her, but they didn't recognize her!

Gu Nianci laughed at himself, "I'm an ominous person, I can't implicate you!"

Those people are right, she is a broom star, she is a parent, she is a son, and everyone around her will be infected with bad luck!

An ominous person like should spend the rest of her life alone and can't hurt anyone anymore!

"Grandma, who did you listen to? Those people are farting, you can't believe this kind of nonsense!"

Ye Qingqing is in a hurry, what age is it now, and he still believes this kind of rhetoric!

The old lady hated iron and looked at Nianci, "Young girl knows better than you, go home with me!"

Gu Nianci felt more and more strange, pointed to Ye Qingqing and asked the old lady, "Cousin, who is she?"

The old lady smiled slightly, "She is your direct granddaughter, Mingcheng and Yali's child, her name is Ye Qingqing, she is 17 years old this year."

Gu Nianci was taken aback, "Mingcheng and Yali got married? When did it happen, Mingcheng is not him?"

She asked people around and found out that Mingcheng was gone 18 years ago. At that time, she was disheartened and had no motivation to live!

But now, the cousin has explained that Cheng and Yali have such a big daughter, is it true?

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